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3 Eyed Blue Luigi

In Brief
3 Eyed blue Luigi is a phantom based upon Mario's fear that he will one day commit incest with his brother Luigi. He has never been seen by anyone other than Mario but is always there in the corner, just out of sight. The only person Mario has told about his this living nightmare is Yoshi he went and told everyone - what a big mouth!
It can be assumed that Luigi himself doesn't know about Mario's secret fear, for he has never mentioned. Although admittedly asking a brother if they are having sex nightmares about you can't be the easiest subject to bring up over the dinner table. Yoshi once ate his own faecal matter - can you believe that!? I can.
In Fiction
3 Eyed blue Luigi is the Vice President of Bowser's committee for ethnic cleansing and often finds himself at odds with Rowby Goren creator (but he has since disowned it) of a website filled with viruses and trojan porn. But that doesn't stop them all enjoying it and they read out the emails (which are printed onto yellow paper) to each other for big lulz and cum fests.
He often can be found eating Octoroks but seems to be ammune to AIDS
Once Grounder tried to punch 3EBL in the third eye with his drill bit thing. That must have hurt like hell. But not a single tear was seen.