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Phil Collins
From Chewiki Archive - YouChew:
1% Funny, 99% Hot Gas

I know you, you're that guy.
A demonic ruler of several worlds. His powers are recorded here:
- Kills numerous people with a stare
- Has the ability to hump the air, not unlike Mohammed Abdul.
- His crotch took over Japan and possessed it's civilians; which explains the nature of Hard Gay.
- If he ever offers you his hat, it means you are worthy for one of his thrones of power. You'll end up dying somehow though.
- Has died once, but came back.
- Ear rape.
- Ate Saturn for brunch.
- You can't hurry love, but Phil Collins can.
- Has spontaneously combusted a total of five times.
- He challenges Mohammed Abdul to an air-humping contest.
- He kills Bono's (his rival) true love, Africans, on a daily basis.
- Is friends with Hulk Hogan's BROTHERRRRR
- He hates retarded kids.
- Is a resident of Vice City.
His only weakness is his sub-par ability to make music on his own.
An entire series about Phil Collins is being created by SeductiveBaz who according to TangerineImpz is rumored to be Phil himself, but he has appeared in other poops.