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Real Name: Matt Sieberg
Sex: Male
Country: USA
First Poop: Not known for sure, possibly Luigi's Tragic Death
Year Started: 2010
Preferred Sources: Obscure, random sources
Preferred Methods: Ear rape, sharpen, unsharpen mask, etc.
Preferred Software: Sony Vegas 8.0
YouTube Account: MattVariety
MattIntellectual is a decent YTPer who spends way too much of his time attempting to play obscure indie video games while suffering from a moderate dose of OCD due to all the backtracking involved in hence video game. He also obsesses over Portal 2 way too much.
Oh, dear.
Well, back when I was about 10, 11 years old, I enjoyed surfing YT. I looked at a whole bunch of those videos that are really stupid yet have millions of views for no reason. Anyway, as I surfed the place, I managed to come across a weird video that was entitled "YouTube Poop: Oxyclean Washes the Evil out of Clothes". It had about five thousand views, and only a three star average rating (yup, kids, this was back when YT had stars! OOooh!). It was a pretty mediocre Poop now that I look back at it, but when I saw it back then, I thought it was quite confusing. Why was there an Indian guy on a flying carpet with a green elf saying "STUFF" all the time? It was pretty weird.
After seeing such video, I had a mild interest in what "YouTube Poop" was, but not one big enough to actually actively search it. Of course, it caught up to me again, as I found another video called "Mario and Luigi Insane Dinner Argument (Super Mario 64 Machinima)". It sucks now, but I still thought it was hilarious back then.
So, I started exploring for more YTP, and, surely enough, I was hooked. I even told about YTP to my family, as I rolled on the floor laughing from some pretty stupid 2007 or so YTPs. Meh, I liked it back then.
After watching all of these videos, I decided to the sole idea that I should make one. Now, I'm not entirely sure which video I made first, I mean, I made quite a few when I was a novice (which could maybe even have contributed to the experience I have now in YTP and the such). However, to the best of my memory, I'm pretty sure the first one I made was called something like "YouTube Poop: Mario and Luigi's Messed Up Trip". It was a pretty simple WMM CDI Poop, nothing much. I decided to make more and more. One of my most memorable YTPs was Luigi's Tragic Death. That Poop was mainly the turning point of my YTP "skills", as it was the peak of priority of my WMM Poops, and the last one I made before I switched to Sony Vegas 9.0.
Around the time I made such video (it was about May 2011 or so), I met the first experienced YTPer I knew (and still know now): TheRaz0rEdge. I had watched one of his videos called "Brian Robeson: Mosquito Hater". My class at school had recently seen the source that was used in the edit, so I was amazed that someone made a YTP out of it. I congratulated him for doing so well, and he said to me, "I should really make a YTP of the whole movie. I only pooped this little part, since this was an inside joke between a friend of mine."
Yet, I noticed that his style of Pooping was...different. I didn't know much about Sony Vegas at the time, and so the effects that he used in the YTP was very much different from what I was used to seeing it. So, he decided to look at my channel. He said to me he liked my videos, and thought they were pretty good for a beginner. I was really happy, because I only had, like, 3 subscribers around the time, so it was nice seeing a person who not only subbed me but also appreciated my videos too. I looked around his channel, and, believe me, I was impressed.
I had thought this guy was insane or something. His YTPs were so...different from the ones I was used to seeing (and making). The effects that were used his videos could mentally stimulate anyone who saw them. I was really confused upon how he could do such so easily. But the thing that really shocked me was the "underground" community (I thought it was back then) that was talking on his channel to him. It seemed like a whole bunch of YTPers were out there with this style, that I didn't even know! There were also inside jokes out there like "icon_redface" that I didn't understand at the time. Oddly enough, I felt as if I would ruin the joke, so I didn't ask him what it meant at the time.
After seeing so many of his videos, it was almost like I was jealous. I wanted my YTPs to be like his, so I could get some recognition (for those asking, I'm not like that anymore. I've came to the realization that YTP is not about views quite some time ago) as well. My first step in doing so was switching to Sony Vegas 9.0 (I use 8.0 now, 9.0 is too laggy). I experimented with that a huge amount. No, seriously, I spent an average of 10 hours on each video. The first one I created was okay, it involved Luigi saying "spaghetti" along with the Hotel Mario intro music. It was terribly done, but I think that's what made it so hilarious(ly bad). Another good example of the Golden Ages YTPs I made was Luigi's Tragic Death 2: Mario's Revenge. That was another video that I spent at least a dozen hours on, but, sadly, didn't even reach 20 views.
Around that time (about June, July 2011), I joined YouChew. I was still confused by the whole "Tennis Cafe" thing, and, honestly, didn't go to that place very often. In fact, it was about near November 2011 'till I was really active around the site. Still, I made plenty of YTPs at the time (and switched around three different channels because I was so indecisive(ha yeah matt that's your're excue for evtyhing(oh dear God haven't we been around to this a million times))), and my style altered a lot. It mainly changed when I tennis'd RAZOR, in which I created some impressive stuff at the time.
Well, now I make videos that have been quite adjusted to my level of "skill" making the edits, a good example of an average video of mine would be "dear me is it that time again, it seemed like so long agoooooooo". I use a whole bunch of obscure sources, but the one I'm specializing in right now is .flow. If you don't know what that game is, good, because it's really scary.
No, really.
First poop seen
YouTube Poop: OxyClean washes the Evil out of Clothes
First poop made
YouTube Poop: Mario and Luigi's Messed Up Day
Slow-paced, ambient, mainly sound based. In fact, a huge element of my videos is the sound, I've always seemed to have excel in the sound part of my videos.
Preferred Sources
- .flow (Yume Nikki)
- Random Old Videos
- Rarely used sources
Preferred Software
Sony Vegas 7.0. I plan to use Audacity sometime in the future.
- The Tennis Cafe
- Ear Rape
- Experimental/Avant-Garde Poops n' Sources
- Megapoop
- Trap Videos (I mean, come on, they're hilarious most of the time)
- Intentioanly sarcastic poor grammar (basically making yourself look like an idiot for the sake of humility(boy i sure could say that about a lot of current celeberties))
- The term "YouTube Poop"
- Sex jokes in YTP (but they can be really creative occasionally)
I'm not entirely popular, I only have 20-something subscribers. I do have quite some posts on YouChew, but yeah. I have been told that I'm good or even great at YTPing, and that I'm getting progressively better, so yay!
I commonly work on a project or two, but totally give up on it sooner or later. I also have a tendency to make fillers.
I've gotten a lot of positive feedback on my "Nonsense (c)ents" video, even though that video is quite a bit -not- like my average YTP. I just made that because I was quite bored and wanted to switch up the effects and whatnot.
- TheRaz0rEdge
- LordBaBaBa1
- LSkywalker1997
In Real Life
LSkywalker1997 (he's a nice guy)
Go on, put your name here if you wish.
- TheRaz0rEdge!!!
Poop Listing
I play Portal 2. Well, I was playing it, but I need someone to play Co-Op with. so PLEESE PLAI ME KAY LOLXD