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Country: Canada
First Poop: Hank Hill STEALS Those Big Feet
Year Started: 2010
Preferred Sources: King of the Hill, Scooby-Doo
Preferred Methods: Masking,Sentence Mixing, YTPMV, Tvpytp
In Brief
Orpheusftw is a pooper (or, "peener", the phrase in which he coined) who's content mainly consists of King of the Hill, Scooby-Doo, and Hey Arnold!. His way of setting up collabs is not by posting a video and waiting for responses, but instead finding poopers he felt worthy and sending them an invitation to join it. He then cuts the entries into one fluent, large poop. His style is heavy on masking and visual effects, and he is praised and criticized for doing so. Around the 21st of December, 2011, Orpheusftw announced his retirement on his channel, saying "Don't subscribe. I'm gone, man. Solid gone.", and his channel title being "Discontinued".
First Poop Seen
The one he made in his diaper.
First Poop Made
Hank Hill STEALS Those Big Feet
- He likes to make his videos heavily masked, almost to the point of Video Art.
Preferred Methods
- Masking
- Sentence Mixing
- Image Editing
- Sex Jokes
Preferred sources
- King of the Hill
- Scooby-Doo
- CopperCab
- Hey Arnold!
Preferred Tech
- Sony Vegas 9.0d
- Unknown image editor
- He made one of the oldest King of the Hill poops ever.
- He was called "the only pooper who is better than me" from Cjflo who is (and im quoting this from her) very full of her self
- "Greatest pooper ever" by Cjflo
- "LOL" by a YouTube user.
- "One of the next big rising things in Poop" - Stuart K Reilly about his style
- Some poopers (especially older ones) consider his style to be "overdone" and rely too much on visual effects gags as opposed to editing that highlights the naturally funny parts of the source.
- Unknown
- He doesn't consider himself a pooper.
- Believes there are more poopers out there who are better than him.
- Is anti-social but he has mentioned in a youtube comment he's about to become a socialist.
- He used to post WoW videos on his account but has since been removed by Orpheus.
- His name comes from an anti-virus program he's working on and is also his online alias for video games.
- If he feels if his videos have aged to much he takes them down. In fact he's taken down over 40 videos already.
- He includes some Memes in his videos occasionally, but they're more like small fad memes.
- Has a mini series of coppercab YTPMVs
- Uses a masked video of Shaggy from Scooby-Doo dancing, in which he uses it as Deja Vu in some of his videos.
- Loves the meme Pingas and has an interest in using old unpopular memes and new rising and potential memes.
- Has accumulated well of 9,600 subscribers and not yet has he made a subscriber special (and to think that you've got people making 500 sub specials out there!)