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In brief[edit]
T-Reich is an excessively sexy 26 year old T.rex who resides in the state of Tennessee. He is known for his large collection of waifus with which he has consistent sexual intercourse.
Oh, and he's also from the comic book Major Bummer.
N5bYrv0yh54|250}} TyrannosaurusReich's first Youtube Poop. |
Tyrannosaurus Reich was a supervillain featured in DC Comics' Major Bummer #5. T. Reich was pulled to earth through a dimensional portal from a dimension of Nazi dinosaurs. He briefly wreaks havoc in the downtown before being driven back to his home dimension by a giant housecat.
Despite his brief appearance, T-Reich has a small but enthusiastic cult following. He is not considered part of the DC Comics main canon.
On December 5th, 2017, both of T-Reich's channels were cruelly murdered by YouTube's garbage copyright bot. Fortunately, fellow pooper and arguably his #1 fan, Tapirtoon, had his own personal copies of all his videos and saved T-Reich's entire poopography from disappearing into the ether, uploading them all to mediafire and giving the link to T-Reich on March 13th, 2018. It remains unknown whether Reich will reupload his videos to a new account or not.
First poop seen[edit]
First poop made[edit]
Preferred Sources[edit]
- shit i don't know stuff i like
Preferred Methods[edit]
- Sony Vegas
- making my videos as unwatchable as possible
- this Chewiki page before i re-edited it
- sucks
- his videos suk
- Made the world's first Team Fortress 2 poop.
- Has gotten over 100k views on "THE WORST FUCKING VIDEO I EVER MADE".
- his waifus
- Scorpy's Boys Nite In
- Fishing Pole Mai
- his waifus
- MarkieV101
- Idiotska
- ShreddaX
- RiotingSoul
- ZippZapp
- ThisAccountIsClosed
- JingWu
- zacheatscrackers
- wtfFletchie
- 2nnt
Other Information[edit]
- roger ebert: dis page sux 0 star
- Is a giant weeaboo
- Masturbates perpetually
- Edited this Chewiki page AGAIN because he hated it
- has more wives than you will ever have, ever