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Name: iteachvader
Sex: Male
Country: American
First Poop: The Journey to Knolomegh
Year Started: 2010
Preferred Sources: CD-i, AOSTH, Ace Attorney
Preferred Methods: Sentence Mixing, Classic
Preferred Software: Sony Vegas
YouTube Account: iteachvader
In Brief[edit]
iteachvader is a YouTube Pooper, musician, and voice actor. He is most known for his Adventures in Hyrule series of CD-i YTPs, as well as his later series of Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog YTPs - both causing a resurgence in popularity for the sources.
He currently claims to be retired from YTP, now focusing on music production.
First poop seen[edit]
First poop made[edit]
The Journey to Knolomegh
OQtcJDxZh9g|250}} Iteachvader's first Youtube Poop. |
Preferred Sources[edit]
- CD-i
- Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog
- Ace Attorney
- Star Wars: X-wing Games
Preferred Methods[edit]
Preferred Software[edit]
iteachvader is regarded as one of the greatest sentence-mixers in YouTube Poop, and a bastion of 2000s-era pooping spirit.
In Real Life[edit]
Other Information[edit]
iteachvader maintains his own wiki for the Adventures in Hyrule series, with detailed information on characters and episodes.
When not making YTPs or YTPMVs, he produces original music and rips soundfonts from video games.