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Category:B Movies

From Chewiki Archive - YouChew: 1% Funny, 99% Hot Gas
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B Movies are low budget films with limited releases although technicaly it is a term that refers to low budget american 50's 60's sci fi and horror films mainly. (originaly becuse in a dubble feature they would be the second movie or featureB) but can also refer to kaiju and tokusatsu films (kaiju refers to japanese giant monster films like godzilla tokusatsu refers to japanese childrens shows in the 1970s that feautured kaiju and or giant super heroes and robots lots of scifi stuff and some times just regular size super heroes fighting monsters like power rangers or kamen rider), grindhouse films (low budet often horably violent exploiteve films that would be played at former hoar houses) mockbusters(fake cheaply made direct to video versions of big-budget blockbuster films) ,poorly made direct to tv or direct to dvd/vhs/etc movies,and other films that are low budget use styalistic elements of thngs on this list, or use more traditional physical special efects as opposed to computer efects, are considered b movies as well at times. although not many of these films are made into ytps some like TheRoom and Troll 2 have been and they can definatly be a fun source to use


Kaiju refers to Japanese giant monster films like Godzilla and tokusatsu refers to Japanese childrens shows in the 1970s that featured kaiju.

Pages in category "B Movies"

The following 4 pages are in this category, out of 4 total.