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Haruhi Suzumiya

Haruhi Suzumiya is a girl from Japan. She has the unique ability to create and destroy universes, but not realize it. She also makes very loud noises and believes a large number of things are really well done. She has made many victims deaf, or commit suicide. She has to be stopped!
Cultural Heritage: Japanese (duh)
Power Level: 6000 Uctions
- "It's really well done!"
- "Nothing is impossible for the SOS Brigade!"
- (disturbed look at pick)
Drunken Haruhi
When Haruhi goes to the local pub and has a bit too much beer, she becomes drunken Haruhi, A form in which she rape everything she see, Luckly this form wears off in a couple of hours and she returns to her normal self(with a hangover the next morning).
- It is rumored that Haruhi stole current SOS-Brigade member Yuki Nagato from Mama Luigi's army, which explains Nagato's awesomeness.
- She is the second-loudest being in all of poopdom, beaten only by Tidyup on a slight scale.
- She has been impersonated by Konata Izumi, who also did loud noises once when Galactus attempted to eat Poops for dinner.
- She still mourns for superbork.
- Enjoys groping Mikuru's boobs.
- Perhaps the one of the sexiest Youtube character beaten by Fisshing Pole Mai