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Revision as of 10:30, 14 August 2007 by Ophios (talk | contribs)

The Early Years

The Early Years of The Early Years

Born as an onion named "Jerry Tasslemen". Ophios lived a quiet life in the small town of Q'L. Usually spending most of his time hiding in the basement of his house, Ophios was a shy individual, who had dreams of going to earth, where he could be equal with most of it's denizens. He was granted permission to go to earth. Unfortunately, in the process, he had to leave behind most of what he loved, that being his extensive collection of navel lint (Of which he collected from other people, seeing as onions do not have navel lint).

Jerry, age 6

The Middle Years of The Early Years

Upon landing on earth, Jerry took on the name "Florian Schneider-Esleben". And took residence in the town of [Fresno CA], where he spent most of his time hiding in the basement of his house. The Eighties came, and Jerry Found himself the headman of a pop band, "The Tasslemen". the fame went to his head, and after 12 hit records, Jerry legally changed his name to Ophios, where upon he tried to assassinate Ronald Reagen, He was scolded for that.

Jerry, as he looked in his band

The Late Years of The Early Years

Ophios retired to his basement.

Return to the Net

Warning, from here on out, it gets factual!

Part One

June 01, 2006: Having stalked around Youtube for a while, Ophios decided to finally decided to sign up for it. Videos were eventually uploaded. Ophios never planned on doing anything else but video game videos, which was a change from his "No videos" plan. After a couple of months the Something Awful Zelda CD-i remixes came out...

Part Two

Out of ideas at the time, Ophios decided to make a video based on one of the songs of the Something Awful Zelda CD-i remixes. Two things happened.

  • He made his most popular videos of all time
  • He found youtube poop

While looking for scenes of the CD-i games, Ophios came across a particular video called [Philips ' Phrightphest], made by 1upclock. At first, the idea behind the video was novel, and pushed it out of his mind for a week or two. Busily working on what would become [Gux - Zelda CD-i Experience]

Being bored one day, Ophios returned to the Philips' Phrightphest video, looking through the comments, he saw a comment left by "buh6173"

  • Good 'n all, but you kinda raped most of that from Dukeoffortuneman, especially "My boy!" The princess/king laughter is some of the most disturbing crap I've seen, and OH MY GOD, YOU STOLE THE FUNKY FISHERMAN.

Ophios set out for this Duke...

Part Three

Upon searching for Dukeoffortuneman, he found this video [Robotnik Saves the Trees]. While at first, he didn't think much of it. This idea of making "poop", caught on. After some work, [Link's magic rainbow adventure] was made.

The Story behind the poops

This isn't about all my poops, just the ones I like, or I think is important

Battle of 1986

[of 1986] Since day one, Ophios promised to be somewhat a frontier explorer. This video shows the beginning of this promise, using clips that were not used before in poops.

This also shows the beginning of the kleptomania.

Wild Geetaar

[Geetaar] After just four videos, Ophios ran out of new videos to make poops out of. He thought of calling it quits after this video. But reluctantly stayed on board by recycling video he had already used. Staying in hopes of getting new stuff to poop.

LOZ: Rule 34

[Rule 34] This video is important, as this is one of the earliest examples of "Cum" and "Dinner". This video received comments from, MrSimon, JingWu, and DukeOfFortuneMan





























