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Phil Collins
From Chewiki Archive - YouChew:
1% Funny, 99% Hot Gas
Revision as of 05:57, 18 October 2007 by KittyGabyIMEANGOAT (talk | contribs)
I know you, you're that guy.
A demonic ruler of several worlds. His powers are recorded here:
- Kills numerous people with a stare
- Has the ability to hump the air, not unlike Mohammed Abdul.
- His crotch took over Japan and possessed it's civilians; which explains the nature of Hard Gay.
- If he ever offers you his hat, it means you are worthy for one of his thrones of power. You'll end up dying somehow though.
- Has died once, but came back.
- Ear rape.
- Ate Saturn for brunch.
- You can't hurry love, but Phil Collins can.
- Has spontaneously combusted a total of five times.
- Challenges Mohammed Abdul to an air-humping contest.
His only weakness is his sub-par ability to make music on his own.
An entire series about Phil Collins is being created by SeductiveBaz, but he has appeared in other poops.