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Name: Tofucakecan and Mastapip
Sex: Male
Country: USA
First Poop: That's Terribly Sexy
Preferred Methods: Sentence Mixing, Video FX, Ear Rape, reverse, Sus, pitch bending, Pinch/punch, Chroma Keyer, gradient map, tech speak, occasional memesk, convolution kernel
Preferred Software: Sony Vegas, Adobe Premiere
Basic Info
I started out in 2008, with "That's Terribly Sexy", but I really got into making YTP in 2011 when I spent almost a year unemployed (long story). I taught myself how to use Adobe Premiere and eventually transitioned into using Sony Vegas. Youtube Poop (to me) is like an abstract/surrealist/satirical form of video art. It helps me flex my creative muscles. When I make poops, I like to try to make people laugh, and give them a few WTF moments, all the while trying to not do the same thing over and over.
As of 2016 my output has slowed down quite a bit, but I still enjoy making YTP's (I wanna make sure what I put out is really worth putting out). I don't foresee quitting any time soon, as long as I can come up with ideas for poops.
First Poop Watched
I found out about the Zelda CD-I videos through the Ventrillo Harassment videos, and I'm pretty sure the first Youtube Poop I watched must have been "What's For Dinner?" by D2RCR.
First Poop
"That's Terribly Sexy" under the youtube channel "Mastapip"
This video uses samples from "To Catch a Predator" and surprisingly has >17k vews.
Tennis Matches
IN PROGRESS (ok they're not really in progress anymore, but there were some good vids in each of these tennises).
- Jallerbo vs TofuCakeCan (4 rounds finished)
- Tofucakecan vs CaptnMorshu vs TheBigL1 vs Melon God - Commercial themed tennis (11 of 12 rounds finished)
- Gimpnipples vs Tofucakecan vs IAMSAPER vs CreepahWeegie (7 of 12 rounds finished)
- Gimpnipples vs MisterCornflakes vs Bloodis vs TofuCakeCan (5 of 12 rounds finished)
- Waymu3 vs Dieathan vs TofuCakeCan (6 of 9 rounds finished)
- Amitbendor vs Jacobketronct vs Tofucakecan vs IAMSAPER - 11 rounds originally, two have been taken down.
- Tofucakecan vs Superchops - "Ambient" themed Tennis
I'm still open to tennis matches, except that I'm pretty slow at making rounds these days.
Published Collabs I've Participated In
- The Minipoop Collab (Poop In Your Cup)
- The Ten Second Collab 3 (They're Pounding Sixteen Ecstasy Pills)
- The Top Gear Collab (Pour some pussy on it)
- The Christmas Special Collab (Zim Likes the Tuna Here)
- The Seizure collab II
- The Design the Skyline Collab (Heaven is Nevaeh Spelled Poopwards)
- The Pornography Collab (The Amazing Intercontinental Cock Missle)
- The Cooking Collab (I hosted this one)
- The 7 Second Collab (This one has been taken down)
- The 5 Second Collab (Butt is it Poop)
- The 4th Ten Second Collab (A Critical Analysis of Bible Black)
- The 20 Minute Collab (On "Blooditsu" channel)
- The "Bad Music Video" Collab (I hosted this one)
- The Robotnik Collab III
- The Barbie Chainsaw Remix Collab (Hosted by Gimpnipples)
- The Camwhore Collab 3
- The Commercial Collab
- The YTP Telephone Collab/Compliation
- The Fifth "Ten Seconds" Collab
- The Ambience Collab
- The All Out Motherfucking Brain Rape Collab
Articles For YouChew
- Netflix That Shit - Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares
- Go Green: A Case For Marijuana
- Doug Griffin: Secret Agent Teacher
- Netflix That Shit - Breaking Bad
- Big Fucking Business - An Interview with TimoteiLSD
I've also contributed to the "Recommended Monthly Poops" several months
Favorite Poopers/influences
- UncleSamEagle
- Superchops
- ButtonsTheDragon
- Sanemurzu
- TimoteiLSD
- TheRazorEdge
- SaturdayNightCleaner
- MadAnonymous
More later when I think of em.