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Name: Computoarz
Sex: Male
Age: 13
Country: France
First Poop: souss
Year Started: 2015
Preferred Sources: Barely anything.
Preferred Methods: Epilleptic, Erosion (ambient or not), Ear Rape
Preferred Software: Vegas Pro 13, Boris Continuum Complete 9,
Computoarz (pronounced compyootorz) is a young YTPer who started to make YTPs around August 2015. At first, they were more in a classic funny french type of YTP, but he recently took a more experimental direction and almost all of them aren't funny anymore.
Short Biography
Computoarz started to watch YTPs in 2014, only for the laughs. He was (and he is still) a big fan of Jefaischierlesgens and King Harkinian, then checked for EntrezVotrePseudo and EnfluredeRenard. At first, he thought that YTPs should always be funny and at least 2 minutes long. God, he was wrong.
Computoarz always wanted to make YTPs, but he couldn't use Adobe Premiere correctly. He tried instead Sony Vegas Pro 13 and found it very easy, then he learned the basics (like, the basics of basics) of Sony Vegas in one day. His first poop, souss was an experiment to know how to use Sony Vegas properly. He then started to organize his work, and the results were less messy. His inspirations were Jefaischierlesgens and King Harkinian, because back then his YTP culture was not very varied.
He then discovered LaVie CestLol and Soucisse Verte, then CuteSquirrel and a lot of YTPers who were making experimental/trippy/glitch art YTPs. He got very interested, and he started to make videos with that style.
It was not that good at the beginning, but with the advice of Soucisse Verte, he cracked Boris Continuum Complete 9 and finally started real trippy videos (even if they has no concrete rules, just like YTP in general by the way.
Today, he is trying stuff to see what he likes and the ways to do it.
Style/Techniques Used
- Stutter
- Databending (with Avidemux)
- Epilleptic Stutter
- Mirrors
- Color Curves/Gradient Map
- Chromatic Incrustation
- BCC 9
Everything, especially already creepy/raw footage videos.
YTPers he likes
- All of the inspirations + (under) :
- EnfluredeRenard
- EntrezVotrePseudo
- Almost no one from YTP community, only talked sometimes with LaVie CestLol.
who the fuk
- Music (especially noise/experimental)
- Art
- Philosophy
- Cinema
- Debating
- Literature
- Being alone (sometimes)
- Debating with annoying/stupid people
- Recent creepypastas
- Excessive trashtalk
- French Education shitty System, where the knowledge is throwed at our face because of shitty organization
- Stupid ass people, almost all of them are in his college (ne worries, he has friends who are not stupid)
- He is a big fan of Diapsiquir, Metz and Nero's Day at Disneyland
- His profile picture was Roy Gribbleston at the beginning, but he recently switched to a datamoshed picture that he made himself with Audacity
- One of his friends made him a banner then he datamoshed it
- Actually, if someone could fix the links, it would be nice. He's a big fan of King Harkinian the YTPER, not the character
- The names of his videos rarely makes sense
Youtube Channel Twitter Facebook (rarely updated) Twitch Profile