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Pinkie Pie

From Chewiki Archive - YouChew: 1% Funny, 99% Hot Gas
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Name: Pinkamena Diane Pie
Appears In: My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic
Sex: Female
Occupation(s): Baker/Partier
Played By: Andrea Lihman/Shannon Chan-Kent


Raised on a rock farm with a bunch of ponies fresh from an elementary school Thanksgiving play, Pinkamena Diane Pie didn't know what happiness was until the sky exploded in her face. After proceeding to ruin her family's expectations of her, she got a tattoo of some balloons, started throwing random parties, and ingested enough cupcakes to put her on a sugar high until Stewart K Reilly admits his love to her (which will never happen, as he actually loves Applejack).

She also probably has ADHD and doesn't know where the 4th wall is located.

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Pinkie defying the laws of music and dancing to every song ever made.



  • "Your auntie Pinkie Pie has it all taken care of!"
  • "ZOMBIE PONY!??!"
  • "She's so evil, I even wrote a song about her!"
  • "You've got a real problem all right, and a banjo is the only answer!"
  • "What if she exploded? And then... and then exploded again!?!?"
  • "And thats how Equestria was made!"
  • "Cross my heart, hope to die, stick a cupcake in my eye!"
  • "Eternal chaos comes with chocolate rain, guys!"
  • "I'm a chicken!"
  • "Too old for free candy? Never!"
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  • "I never leave home without my party cannon!"
  • "You mean old pegasususususis!"


  • Said to be one-third the physical embodiment of Youtube Poop (with Gay Luigi and Stewart K Reilly being the other two).
  • Symbolizes the Element of Laughter (and caffeine).
  • Owns a toothless alligator who is secretly a master pimp.
  • Is somehow Fluttershy's aunt despite Fluttershy being a year older than Pinkie.
  • Pinkie has a sixth sense that allows her to predict the future and break both of Twilight's arms.
  • Provoked a war by singing a song about sharing and caring.
  • Convinced she had no friends, Pinkie had a party consisting of herself, Gummy, a pile of rocks, a ball of lint, and a bag of flour.
  • Awarded title "Best Pony" by bronies.
  • Graduate of The Muppets School of 4th Wall Breaking.
  • Sang a song about being fearless, then was shown being afraid of Zecora a few episodes later.
  • Pinkie has an incurable addiction to cupcakes which will probably shorten her life by about 10 years.
Pinkie in one of Dr. Robotnik's many experiments.
  • Subject of multiple experiments by Dr. Robotnik in an effort to learn just what Sonic always wanted.
  • Broken so many rules that its believed that even physics don't apply to her anymore.