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From Chewiki Archive - YouChew: 1% Funny, 99% Hot Gas
Revision as of 18:22, 16 November 2010 by CaptainStringCheese (talk | contribs)
NicePooper.jpg This article is about a creator of YouTube Poop videos, known as a Youtube Pooper.
Hiatus.png This pooper is on Hiatus and will not be making poops for the time being.
User.jpg  This article is about CaptainStringCheese, Lulz, Kagami FTW. No one loves him, and is, a frequent editor and User of this wiki.

In brief

This pooper was "found" when DoomZappo was suspended. He then became friends with him and his career began. He has this obsession with an anime character named Kagami from Lucky Star.

Seriously, he fucking loves her a little too much...


He first began as a pooper named, Mrwalrusguy2. The account began as a tribute account for WalrusGuy and quickly grew into a pooping account. There he received 200 subscribers and continues today. He regrets making the account so he abandoned it and created CaptainStringCheese. Once the account was made he joined the "Cool People and Cool Issues Group", and he met DoomZappo, another pooper. They became friends, continue to be friends today.

After DoomZappo was suspended, he tried as much as he could to get it back (though it wasn't him who restored it. DoomZappo filed a counterclaim, thanks to the help of Joethebluedragon). There he became friends with Joethebluedragon, and many other poopers. But, there he met another pooper (if that's what you wanna call him) named rtv190. He is a wierd fellow who doesn't know how to mute sound. CaptainStringCheese met him in the "Cool People and Cool Issues Group" stating that anime poops sucked.

CaptainStringCheese gave him a piece of his mind and with that, their rivalry was born. They don't care for each other but they currently don't talk to each other. CaptainStringCheese believes he is the one who suspended DoomZappo, but it wasn't. CaptainStringCheese then started making Youtube Poops and uses Windows Movie Maker. And no, he doesn't sentence mix, he uses very strong effects. You must be wondering to youself how he does this and the answer is TheFXArchive. He uses these effects and the power of Windows Movie Maker XP

First poop seen

Dr. Rabbit is Racist by WalrusGuy


This pooper prefers effects, as he thinks it is easier to use. He has made a sentence mixing poop but it was an experiment and he was ashamed of it.

Preferred Sources

He doesn't like picking favorites, but if he has to he would use Disney Channel sources and Billy Mays.

Preferred Methods

Preferred Software

This pooper is strictly a WMM pooper (without default effects), but once in a blue moon he will use Vegas


  • Annoying fads
  • Sony Vegas 9 and 10
  • Lebron James
  • The cold
  • Trolls


This pooper receives positive comments on all his videos, though the one in particular that people like is his Billy Mays poop

In Real Life

  • In real life he is a nerd who spends most of his time Pooping instead of going on dates like he should (his friends criticize him a lot for this, which is why he bitches about it)
  • Plays a lot of Final Fantasy... A LOT! Just ask him about it and he will respond immediatly.
  • Also plays an MMORPG called Ragnarok Online (look it up), he plays a Filipino server named aeRO



You a fan? Add your name here


Hey, don't blame me!

And this is why I should never use Vegas


Mildred Cyras is really Mannah Minnesota

Your soul is Billy Mays' to take

God damn, the person who sings this song gives me a headache

Other Information

This pooper gets his effects from where he learned about it from Youtube Poop News


YouTube Account