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From Chewiki Archive - YouChew: 1% Funny, 99% Hot Gas
Line 61: Line 61:
*People thinking that I should care about their feelings.
*People thinking that I should care about their feelings.
*Never winning anything.
*Never winning anything.
*People who say "It'd be  
*People who say "It'd be funny if (overused meme) happened here!"

Revision as of 08:05, 1 February 2012

NicePooper.jpg This article is about a creator of YouTube Poop videos, known as a Youtube Pooper.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
This article is about a Youtube Pooper that makes Flash Poops.


Chaofanatic started out as a random cretin prowling around on youtube like any other insolent slob that wished they could make videos. Then one day he actually got up and did something about it and started making crappy youtube poops. A while later he started doing frame by frame animation in Microsoft paint and windows movie maker, giving birth to the Quest for Dinner series. He later discovered Sony Vegas, Effects Lab Pro and Flash and started on his merry way to success.

Now Chaofanatic is a semi-popular youtube pooper and strives to release the highest quality entertainment that can be expected from a youtube pooper.

In brief

Chaofanatic is a flash pooper who strongly believes that you should put effort into everything you do.

First poop seen


First poop made

Youtube Poop: Mario Destroys The Earth! (Granted it wasn't very good... But you know... First video and all.)


Using well known Youtube Poop charaters to tell fun little stories. And when I say fun... I mean ranging from hilarious to downright scary. He always tries his best to keep away from typical flash poop stereotypes, what with the regular guns and the spadinner crap. All guns have a legal requirement of being as over the top as possible, resulting in character using suits of powered armor or giant robots and the like to preform a mundane task such as punching someone in he face. No Kings with a pistol here folks. Slapping is forbidden, daggers kill viewers, and conventional firearms bore the fuck out of people. A typical Chaofanatic video will usually include giant robots, over the top special effects, a bit to a lot of real flash animation with real animation instead of flavorless animation substitute, and to many video game references to count.

Preferred Sources

Preferred Methods

Prefered Tech

  • Sony Vegas 8 for video editing
  • Flash 8 for animation
  • Source Engine for complex particle effects


  • Cow and Chicken
  • The Demon Train
  • Explosions
  • Witty people
  • Confusing people with big words.
  • Abrupt, out of nowhere endings.
  • Faking hardware limitations in animation.

