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From Chewiki Archive - YouChew: 1% Funny, 99% Hot Gas
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In February of 2009, he closed his account due to 3/4ths of his subscribers to have been WalrusGuy fanboys or source faggots. He felt as if no one appreciated his work so he felt that his account was useless. He runs under "TheChutley" now.
In February of 2009, he closed his account due to 3/4ths of his subscribers to have been WalrusGuy fanboys or source faggots. He felt as if no one appreciated his work so he felt that his account was useless. He runs under "TheChutley" now.
In May '08, he reopened YTPsource, but began uploading nothing but random crap to piss off past subcribers. He also shares this account with rapskallionxyz, Imaperson, MasterGwo, CommanderGwonam and PassStrengthNull (WiiNutt was also in control of YTPsource for a short time). In an attempt to attract more attention towards YTPsource, he re-uploaded the most generic YTP sources he could think of. However, the idea was quickly scraped and he decided to, ultimately, abandon the account.
In May '09, he reopened YTPsource, but began uploading nothing but random crap to piss off past subcribers. He also shares this account with rapskallionxyz, Imaperson, MasterGwo, CommanderGwonam and PassStrengthNull (WiiNutt was also in control of YTPsource for a short time). In an attempt to attract more attention towards YTPsource, he re-uploaded the most generic YTP sources he could think of. However, the idea was quickly scraped and he decided to, ultimately, abandon the account.
YTPsource, under TheChutley, ran his new account for a few weeks with a very small amount of subscribers. However, on February 28, 2009, this all changed. February 28, 2009 marks the date when "PUT THE BOOK DOWN!!!!!!!" was released onto YouTube and it was the video that caused I.M. Meen to surface in the YTP community. Immediately after it was uploaded, people began to love it. In fact, because of it's popularity, TheChutley released a sequel simply titled: "PUT THE BOOK DOWN!!!!!!! PART 2". After a while, Imaperson (who is a very good friend of TheChutley) released a third video in the soon-to-come series. Imaperson and TheChutley created a couple more videos that were all part of the series until they decided to let the fans take over.
YTPsource, under TheChutley, ran his new account for a few weeks with a very small amount of subscribers. However, on February 28, 2009, this all changed. February 28, 2009 marks the date when "PUT THE BOOK DOWN!!!!!!!" was released onto YouTube and it was the video that caused I.M. Meen to surface in the YTP community. Immediately after it was uploaded, people began to love it. In fact, because of it's popularity, TheChutley released a sequel simply titled: "PUT THE BOOK DOWN!!!!!!! PART 2". After a while, Imaperson (who is a very good friend of TheChutley) released a third video in the soon-to-come series. Imaperson and TheChutley created a couple more videos that were all part of the series until they decided to let the fans take over.

Revision as of 13:04, 16 May 2010

NicePooper.jpg This article is about a creator of YouTube Poop videos, known as a Youtube Pooper.

Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Yes it does.


YTPsource was opened in March 2008.

The idea with YTPsource was to create an account that could help users find sources for YouTube Poops with ease.

In June of '08, WalrusGuy (Whom he had been subscribed to at the time) released a video titled "WalrusGuy Answers Your Questions!" and this gave YTPsource the inspiration he needed to create his first YTP. Interestingly, the amount of obscurity in the poop itself would have been distasteful to the audience he was aiming at. Nevertheless, the viewers ate it up, making it one of his most viewed works. A majority of the views came from the poop being favored by WalrusGuy, so YTPsource received a portion of his subscribers.

During his time as YTPsource, he deleted all the sources on his channel because of how easy it was to find them all. This marked the downfall of this account, leading to a barrage of angry and confused subscribers.

In February of 2009, he closed his account due to 3/4ths of his subscribers to have been WalrusGuy fanboys or source faggots. He felt as if no one appreciated his work so he felt that his account was useless. He runs under "TheChutley" now.

In May '09, he reopened YTPsource, but began uploading nothing but random crap to piss off past subcribers. He also shares this account with rapskallionxyz, Imaperson, MasterGwo, CommanderGwonam and PassStrengthNull (WiiNutt was also in control of YTPsource for a short time). In an attempt to attract more attention towards YTPsource, he re-uploaded the most generic YTP sources he could think of. However, the idea was quickly scraped and he decided to, ultimately, abandon the account.

YTPsource, under TheChutley, ran his new account for a few weeks with a very small amount of subscribers. However, on February 28, 2009, this all changed. February 28, 2009 marks the date when "PUT THE BOOK DOWN!!!!!!!" was released onto YouTube and it was the video that caused I.M. Meen to surface in the YTP community. Immediately after it was uploaded, people began to love it. In fact, because of it's popularity, TheChutley released a sequel simply titled: "PUT THE BOOK DOWN!!!!!!! PART 2". After a while, Imaperson (who is a very good friend of TheChutley) released a third video in the soon-to-come series. Imaperson and TheChutley created a couple more videos that were all part of the series until they decided to let the fans take over.

Currently, TheChutley is enjoying his amount of attention he is getting and is very pleased to have even made it this far in the YTP world.

First poop seen


First poop made

Youtube Poop: WalrusGuy is a Pagan (Reuploaded as of January 21st 2010)


  • Pitch Shifting
  • Composite Modes
  • Video Corrosion
  • Extremely Fast Rape
  • Stutters
  • Repetition
  • Mirroring
  • YTPMV (Usually original compositions)

Preferred Sources

  • I.M. Meen
  • Yngwie Malmsteen
  • Tunak Tunak Tun
  • CD-I
  • Anything Touhou related
  • Video Game gameplay of all genres
  • Gaston from "Beauty and the Beast"
  • Aladdin
  • Arashi No Yoru Ni
  • Fear Zero (My guitar teacher's band)
  • Ed Sadler

Prefered Tech

  • Sony Vegas 5.0 and 7.0
  • Adobe Premeire Pro CS3.
  • Windows Movie Maker
  • Final Cut Pro 7 (Soon)


  • Glaceon
  • YTP Tennis
  • Extremely Fast Rape
  • Repetition
  • Slow Rape
  • Composite Mode
  • Video Corrosion
  • Stutters
  • Humor in YTP if it in good taste (this is relative).


Nothing is really too distasteful for him anymore.


  • Kicking off the I.M. Meen fad


  • Stuff like having a lot of well known poopers subscribed to him.
  • Kicked off the I.M. Meen fad
  • Co-Creator (alongside vvaluigi) of the Gray Tennis Tournament

In Real Life

  • Lives in Canada; in grade 12; 18 years old.
  • Attempting to get into a Film program for Post-Secondary (HAHA, OH MAN IS THAT EVER UNPREDICTABLE!!).



  • Nuthead (Oldest/First Style)
  • Terrorist (Oldest/First Style)
  • DanielRadcliffe777
  • Skrimpish


  • MasterGwonam (Older)
  • Imaperson
  • panicwiththecrisco
  • vvaluigi
  • MycroProcessor
  • molhal
  • McMaNGOS
  • mYZterbattyX
  • SergeantBacon

It should be duly noted that he takes inspiration from everyone he is subscribed to at least in some way.




  • Likes Glaceon (Maybe a little TOO much).
  • Enjoys his Rush.
  • Is extremely interested in musical theory. To be specific, he is fascinated by obscure-sounding chords and scales (which is why Jazz is very appealing to him).
  • 178
