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From Chewiki Archive - YouChew: 1% Funny, 99% Hot Gas
Revision as of 12:20, 11 February 2009 by Odairu86 (talk | contribs) (→‎Likes)
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Link look. See, how Militron creates his warriors?

Metal Man, also referred to as Beer Bong Batman, kills with a Metal fist. His true identity however, is some fat guy, possibly Gwonam's brother. This evidence is backed up only by the fact that only Gwonam can see him. He also thinks that all lesser beings are scum. His only one weakness, is Dr. Rabbit and his cum. Only Dr. Rabbit can defeat Militron. This alos, is the real evidential proof to how Militron is one of Gwonam's brother

Link, see how Militron's balls sag to the floor? They're the greatest!


  • fire
  • Axel(got it memorized?)
  • Chad Warden's haircut
