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The Tennis Season

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The Tennis Season was a Youtube Poop Tennis Competition hosted primarily by RabbitSnore, that ran from June to November of 2009. An entirely new calibur of competitive play, this event utilized a form of regular competitive play with randomized forms based on collaborative teams, with the players of each all working together to collectively garner match win points that by the end of the last week would emerge as victors. The winners of this event would be a team made up of Emperor Ing, Cristoph, quax94, RideTheCatfish and MrDrunkenFox, all of whom used WMM, and as such went by the team name of The Windows Movie Maker Miscrients.


The Tournament was designed to emulate and run like an actual Season, with the maximum duration being set to 15 weeks, or just under 4 months. For each week a certain kind of variant would be played amongst all competing out of a total of 6 different variants used, and they were thusly:

Week 1: 4 Round League-Style Matches

Week 2: 4 Round Single Source Matches

Week 3: 6 Round Matches (Limited)

Week 4: 4 Round Wildcard Matches

Week 5: 4 Round Doubles Matches

Week 6: 4 Round League-Style Matches

Week 7: 3 Round Poop Duels

Week 8: 4 Round Single Source Matches

Week 9: 4 Round League Style Matches

Week 10: 3 Round Poop Duels

Week 11: 4 Round Wildcard Matches

Week 12: 6 Round Matches (Limited)

Week 13: 6 Round Matches (Standard)

Week 14: 4 Round Single Source Matches

Week 15: 4 Round League Style Matches

The rules for each variant went by the following, some borrowed directly from RabbitSnore's established Official Rules:

League Official

- Rounds: 4. - Video Length: 30 seconds to 3 minutes. - Required Usage: At least 20 seconds of the previous round. This rule is rarely an issue and is rarely enforced. - Materials: Up to three sources introduced per video. When a source is introduced in a League match, documentation is especially important. A source can refer to a video or series of videos, depending on how it is documented. For example, AoStH: Full Tilt Tails could be one source or AoStH could be one source. In the former case, if the volley includes clips from Full Tilt Tails, even if the clips were not used in any previous round, it does not count as introduction of a new source. In the latter case, any and all clips from AoStH could be used without counting as a new source added. - Turnover: 36 hours, unless a reason is given ahead of time for a delay.

Round Poop Duel

A Poop Duel is not a Tennis variant in strict terms, since it does not involve remixing prior rounds. Rather, each participant makes videos based on common source material.

A round of a Poop Duel comprises a video from each participant. A standard Duel, then, consists of three rounds for a total of six videos. Participants do not remix each other's videos.

Before each round, each participant adds a source video to a common pool of materials. When making videos, participants are limited to using the material introduced to this common pool. One more video per participant is added before each subsequent round, so the pool of material increases as rounds proceed. Players compete to see who can make the best video using only the material in the common pool.

-Rounds: 3. -Video Length: No restrictions. -Required Usage: Previous rounds not used. -Materials: Common pool. -Turnover: 36 hours.

Round Doubles

Each round, including the serve, is done as a collaborative effort between the two poopers of the respective team. One pooper should make a poop video with sequences of pooped footage and several areas of blank video, without sound or visual. In these areas of blank space, the second pooper of the team adds his or her own edited footage, as well as minimally editing the footage made by his or her partner. The emphasis should be on working with the partner instead of against him or her.

The video resulting from the collaboration is the serve. The volley of the serve is done in a similar fashion: one pooper from the opposed team remixes the previous round, just as in singles tennis, though leaves blank spaces in which his or her partner can add his or her own footage. The second editing pooper should also use material from the previous round, if so desired.

-Rounds: 4, collaborative. -Video Length: No restrictions. -Required Usage: No restrictions. -Materials: No restrictions. -Turnover: 60 hours.

6-Round Limited

- Rounds: 6. - Video Length: 30 seconds to 3 minutes. - Required Usage: At least 20 seconds of the previous round. This rule is rarely an issue and is rarely enforced. - Materials: Up to three sources introduced per video. When a source is introduced in a League match, documentation is especially important. A source can refer to a video or series of videos, depending on how it is documented. For example, AoStH: Full Tilt Tails could be one source or AoStH could be one source. In the former case, if the volley includes clips from Full Tilt Tails, even if the clips were not used in any previous round, it does not count as introduction of a new source. In the latter case, any and all clips from AoStH could be used without counting as a new source added. - Turnover: 48 hours.

6-Round Standard

- Rounds: 6. - Video Length: No restrictions. - Required Usage: No restrictions. - Materials: No restrictions. - Turnover: 48 hours.

4-Round Wildcard

Prior to each round, the player opposing the serving or volleying player creates a single restrictive rule that governs that round. The restriction can apply to material, length, technique, or nearly anything within reason. Restrictions are adjudicated by the judges of the tourney if contended to be unfair.

- Rounds: 4. - Video Length: No restrictions. - Required Usage: No restrictions. - Materials: No restrictions. - Turnover: 36 hours.

4-Round Single Source

- Rounds: 4. - Video Length: No restrictions. - Required Usage: No restrictions. - Materials: One source (as per League Official definition), as selected by the serving player. The source must be available to both players equally. - Turnover: 36 hours.

As another new addition, RabbitSnore introduced Abilities; a special sort of move that players could use when playing in a match as ways to gain a possible upper hand. The abilities were as follows:

Signature Material: A player with this ability selects a source material when choosing this ability. Before volleying a round or serving, regardless of the rules of the game, the player may invoke this ability and use his or her chosen source material in addition to whatever other material is permitted in the match, for that round.

Stifle Effects: Once per match, prior to the opponent volleying a round, a player with this ability may declare two techniques and/or effects which cannot be used in the following round.

Relax Rules: Once per match, before volleying a round or serving, a player with this ability may declare that he or she will ignore part of the rules of a match for next round, such as video length, required usage, or material restrictions. In a Wildcard match, this ability may be used to cancel a Wildcard effect. Note that this ability may not be used to relax turnover time, as those rules are in place to keep the Season on schedule.

Soloist: Once during a Doubles Match, before volleying a round or serving, a player with this ability may declare that he or she will make the next round on his or her own, without a collaborator.

Ace in the Hole: Once during a Poop Duel, before making a round, a player with this ability may declare that he or she will use up to two sources outside of the common pool of material for the next round.

Coerce Material: Once during a match, before an opponent volleys a round, a player with this ability may declare that the opponent must include at least 20 seconds of a specific source material in the next round. The player using this ability must provide access to the material if the opponent does not have ready access to it.

Wildcard Permanence: Prior to a Wildcard Match (before the serve), a player with this ability may declare that each of the restrictions declared in the match will apply to each of the subsequent rounds, not only the immediately following round.

Limit Material: Once during a match, before an opponent volleys a round, this ability may be invoked to preclude the usage of a source (as defined by the League Official rules) in the following round.

Single Source Switch: Once during a Single Source Match, before a round is made by either the owner of this ability or an opponent, this ability may be invoked to change the selected single source to another source for the remainder of the match. The new source must be equally available to both players.

Forever Wild: Before a match begins (before the serve), this ability may be invoked to add Wildcard rules to the match. If this ability is used in a Wildcard match, before each round, two restrictions are created.

Coerce Single Source: Before a match begins (before the serve), this ability may be invoked to add Single Source rules to the match. That is, the serving player chooses a single source that must be used exclusively through the whole match. This ability may not be used if the match is already a Single Source match.

Extended Performance: Once per match, before an opponent volleys a round, this ability may be invoked to override the match's Video Length rules and force the opponent to make his or her next round at least 4 minutes long.

Limited Engagement: Once per match, before an opponent volleys a round, this ability may be invoked to override the match's Video Length rules and force the opponent to make his or her next round no more than 40 seconds long.

Isolation: Once per match, before an opponent volleys a round, this ability may be invoked to prevent the opponent from adding any more sources to his or her next round.


This competition is well-known for being the largest single event to take place on the forum with the largest amount of newcomer players (many of them one-offs). A total of 16 teams of players with a combined 82 total players took part and were the following by team with abilities used by each player:

27 Layer Marble Cake, who was made up of TheChutley using Coerce Single Source, trepmaws and SeargentBacon using Relax Rules, JackTron7000 using Ace in the Hole, and CommanderSky using Limited Engagement.

The Abnuceals Emuukha Electric Symphony Orchestra and Chorus, which was made up of GasmaskAvenger, Malkmusian, eletricalmonkss, and ampithecat, all unanimously using Signature Material with "Atop the Fourth Wall".

THE CLEVELAND STEAMERS, which was made up of ThaNuke using Soloist, InsinerateHymn using Relax Rules, Architect1 using Stifle Effects, wwefan3333 and SpiralWierdo using Isolation, and Lightning Spike using Ace in the Hole.

The Electric Teal Jolteon of Terror, which was made up of MycroProcessor using Isolation, Gamebop using Coerce Material, Aesaun using Relax Rules, AjaxCubed and piodx using Stifle Effects, and MorfGworfmim using Coerce Single Source.

The Elitests, which was made up of metroid998 using Limited Engagement, CrazytheSecond, Moto200 and LieutenantMiles using Relax Rules, Combuskenisawesome using Isolation, and zacheatscrackers using Signature Material with "Home Movies".

Incredible Laser Sword, an almost all Cafe Staff team with RabbitSnore and Crash2991 using Forever Wild, RAKninja using Wildcard Performance, strong414bad using Isolation, vvaluigi using Extended Performance, and DaftPunkYoshi using Stifle Effects.

The Pachinko Warriors, made up of SeductiveBaz, TangerineImpz, Maxinsc, JazzDanceForChildren, and TyrannosaurusReich, all unanimously using Signature Material with "'Rocky Just wants to Have Fun' from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers".

The Righteous Left, made up of Futures Passed/RobotComics using Extended Performance, Blueseraph using Coerce Single Source, JeffH01 using Stifle Effects, ButtonsTheDragon using Signature Material with "Whose Line is it Anyway", McMANGOS using Isolation, and SesakaGenX using Signature Material with "Samurai Pizza Cats".

Rumble Stumble Vanger Flanger Stranger Danger Power Rangers, made up of TheSuperUngieReport using Extended Performance, DoctorOktorok using Relax Rules, and The Robotic Robot using Soloist.

Screamin' Eagles, made up of Bya using Isolation, FinalSquadalah using Signature Material with "Trauma Center: New Blood", and MetalKoopa using Coerce Material.

STAR SPANGLED SCRANDER, made up of Markie using Signature Material with "Powerpuff Girls", BMATF and TheSfarioBros with Relax Rules, Erarg with Extended Performance, lordbababa with Forever Wild, and PolyCement with Isolation.

Stone, made up of Luioigi using Isolation, AmiralMachin using Signature Material with "Adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3", NEVERGONNAGETIT92000 using Signature Material with "Spongebob Squarepants", MVJ52197 using Signature Material with "Final Destination", and TheAirPump using Ace in the Hole.

Super Blitzkrieg Bros, a mostly/all German team of Rillion using Isolation, Olfi500, AshMadeOurEyes and Arkunos using Relax Rules, shroomhead1 using Signature Material with "Adventures of Sonic The Hedgehog", and Marty using Signature Material with "himself".

Team Gilgamesh, made up of Chrisgendo using Signature Material with "Welcome to the NHK", MAZZ0Murder using Stifle Effects, Moogle using Forever Wild, RetardedAnimeParody and uncle69er using Relax Rules, and theHappyFungus using Extended Performance.

The Wilkinson's Family Restaurant Managerial Staff, made up of JakeSteel using Extended Performance, RealGenericFilms using Stifle Effects, and KlausTheWizard using Signature Material with "IGSRJ's Super Mario 3 Review".

Windows Movie Maker Miscreants, made up of Emperor Ing using Extended Performance, Cristoph using Coerce Material, Quax using Signature Material with "The O'Reilly Factor", RideTheCatfish using Signature Material with "Donkey Kong Country TV Show", and MrDrunkenFox using Signature Material with "Looney Tunes".