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From Chewiki Archive - YouChew: 1% Funny, 99% Hot Gas
Revision as of 12:21, 24 September 2007 by Greenalink (talk | contribs) (→‎Trivia)
NicePooper.jpg This article is about a creator of YouTube Poop videos, known as a Youtube Pooper.

this person has no face

In brief

A quiet but sometimes creative Youtube pooper. His channel was originally gaming featuring glitches and speedruns.

He also likes watching cartoons such as Super Mario Bros Super Show and The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog

He was on Youtube one night, when he saw "Mama Luigi is a Nuclear Weapon". After seeing that video he wanted to make Youtube Poops.

In average he makes at least 1-2 poop(s) per month.

Some of his poops are well known to use actual gameplay footage from games such as:

"The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past"

"Super Mario World"

"Wario Ware Mega-micro games" and

"Pokémon Battle Revolution".


First poop seen


Can't remember really. First saw one of these poops late 2006 he didn't see these random videos again till early April 2007.

First poop made

Hotel Mario Uncut Edition


Preferred Sources

  • Cd-i
  • Game clips
  • Volvic

Preferred Methods

  • Clip link Chaining
  • Music
  • Reversed Sounds




Anything that he never watched because (because he lacks Sky Digital TV)

Shows like For example: Ben 10 or Cartoon Network Exclusive shows as he doesn't know what's so good about it.

Using the "One Month Later" CD-I clip for the wrong use.



Common mistakes made by this pooper, recurring negative youtube comments and self confessed annoyances. However some criticism he doesn't really mind and he learnt from that criticism most notably "Born to F..."

The "Wario Ware Robotnik Microgames" is another example were some viewers didn't like the intro but he didn't mind the criticism because it wasn't relevant to the main part of the video and it was a just random YTP intro.


the creation of notable poops or fads plus critical achievements based upon positive feedback from comments, high viewer counts etc

Greenalink almost made a Wario Ware fad, the only problem was that it requires advance video editing programes such as Adobe or Vegas, which means that the number of (if possible) responses won't be as high as:

  • Unfitting music


  • This video is better than the Godfather.


In Real Life




Other Information


  • The original name was going to be Greena but that was already used so the new and cooler name turned out to be Greenalink because it was mainly to show glitches of Link to the Past game.
  • The 1st 7 poops not counting music or fad responses videos he made so far have been done by using the near useless Windows Movie Maker.

Until 22nd of September 2007 he used Adobe Premiere.

  • The longest poop to make was "When a Wailord-Tossing Blissey Attacks", this poop is also the very first video of GreenaLink's channel to have an Honour.
  • "Greenalink's Volvic Youtube Poop" is the most popular based on View Count for a Pure Volvic Poop ("Mr Simon's Quest not to use Mama Luigi" does uses a Volvic ad clip and has a higher view count but it doesn't really count because the Volvic ad wasn't shown throughout the video).
  • "Wario Ware Robotnik Microgames" is the only poop done by Greenalink to have the most (10) Today based honours (not all of them came at the same time but some catgories managed to be in the top 100)
  • "Wario Ware Robotnik Microgames" could be one of the most creative Youtube Poops ever that MrSimonAlt said "The funniest, most clever and original poop I have ever seen".
  • "Wario Ware Robotnik Microgames" is quite successful that it managed to get 1000 views in under 48 hours, also Greenalink made a video response with a Mario version.
  • Greenalink is one of the first people to have "Pokémon Battle Revolution" in a Youtube Poop


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