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Before you read this, know that none of this is biased! It's all 100% true.
In Brief
Orpheusftw is a rising pooper who's content mainly consists of King of the Hill and might have started a new way to set up collabs by not posting a video and waiting for responses but instead finding poopers he felt worthy and sending them an invitation to join it. He then sorts out and cuts out as much material he feels necessary giving the collab the best of what the contestants have to offer and almost giving it a plot to go along with the scenes done to sort of follow each scene as if it where 1 long poop. He didn't wanna tell me all his info for a wiki article because he doesn't like attention and is anti-social. But when you make quite possibly the greatest collab ever reaching over 70,000 views, yer getting attention whether ya like it or not.
First Poop Seen
First Poop Made
Hank Hill STEALS Those Big Feet (seen to the right)
Preferred Methods
- Sentence mixing
- Image Editing
Preferred sources
- King of the Hill
Preferred Tech
- Most likely Sony Vegas 8
"Greatest pooper ever" by Cjflo.
- Unknown
Other Info
- He doesn't consider himself a pooper.
- Believes theres more poopers out there who are better than him.
- Is anti social.