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From Chewiki Archive - YouChew: 1% Funny, 99% Hot Gas
Revision as of 10:01, 20 December 2010 by Joethebluedragon (talk | contribs) (New page: {{pooper}} <!--This template forms the the backbone of a Pooper entry; it's fully customizable so you can add or delete whatever you want. Remember this isn't a profile page and may well b...)
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NicePooper.jpg This article is about a creator of YouTube Poop videos, known as a Youtube Pooper.

In brief

JoeTheBlueDragon is a relatively new YTP artist. He does not have a multitude of subscribers, but he considers himself overrated, despite disagreement from his fellow artists.


JoeTheBlueDragon stumbled across a strange video that started with the title of Youtube Poop while he was watching some Mario videos. He didn't understand it, nor did he really like it, but out of intrigue he continued to watch some more. Eventually he watched some Spongebob YTPs with memes like spaghetti and dinner in them and he found them hilarious. He watched them for almost half a year until he opened up an account called MasterHippoMr in July 2010 and started commenting and subscribing. He never actually made a YTP on this account, but he gathered a lot of haters because of his tastes in YTP. (To this day he still thinks the haters were way out of line, but thanks them for what they taught him.) He realized that the memes weren't really all that talented and funny, since then he defines YTP into three styles: Sentence mixing, Effects, and Visuals. Eventually, due to what seemed to be a crisis, MasterhippoMr was closed (for reasons that Joe would like to remain unknown) but feeling a need to get revenge, and not lose to the people who tricked him into closing his account, he opened the account JoeTheBlueDragon. The account was dedicated to YTP in many ways, and eventually on October 22, 2010, uploaded his own.

First poop seen

He didn't remember the names of the Mario ones, and the spongebob YTP "Squilliam is an A**hole" was removed by Viacom

First poop made

Youtube Poop: Little Dragons


This artist prefers sentence mixing, but most of the time does not like to use sentence mixing on its own.

Preferred Sources

  • CDi
  • Music (Eminem and Black Eyed Peas being most often used)
  • He really doesn't like to use anything more than once

Preferred Methods

  • Sentence Mixing
  • Reversing
  • Any effects he can find on the FX archive

Preferred Software

  • Windows Movie Maker (not really preferred, but he says it gets the job done)
  • MS Paint (rarely)
  • Zamzar (to download sources)


  • YTPs with Sentence Mixing and Effects combined
  • Black Eyed Peas
  • insulting cattle in people's backyards


  • People who think they are awesome
  • YTP stealers and trolls
  • Waxonator fans (and all spa-dinner fans for that matter)
  • Almost all spongebob YTPs
  • Idiots who think they can troll
  • himself


  • He is credited for being an average artist and he's fine with that for now. Some people think his goals are a bit ambitious, but appreciate his effort. What people find him talented most for is starting completely without memes, which is also the only thing he gives himself credit for.


  • He is overrated (as declared by himself)
  • He sets his standards too high for himself
  • His word splicing needs improvement
  • He has awkward silences in his YTPs
  • He acts too strange sometimes (especially when he signs in to his alt accounts)


  • He has founded the "YTP Academy"
  • He is the creator of his rating system called "The YTP Artist Archives"
  • He holds "YTP of the week" on his channel
  • He has reached 100 subscribers (which he seems to consider as overrated)



In Real Life

Friends AHugFromLadyGaGa (an account created by 2 of his friends)

  • mickelo74 (his brother's friend's account, so more of an enemy really)



  • YER0CKY (for passing down his WMM skills)
  • CaptainStringCheese (helping him with his Effects)
  • BenderPictures (for the constructive criticism on his work)
  • Any of his 'real' subscribers that comment on his videos


  • He believes he has (and deserves) no fans, but invites people who think they are his fans to add themselves here

Other Information

  • He runs Cross Country
  • He wants to remind you again that he is overrated



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