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From Chewiki Archive - YouChew: 1% Funny, 99% Hot Gas
NicePooper.jpg This article is about a creator of YouTube Poop videos, known as a Youtube Pooper.

[[Category:Pooper - From USA]]

In Brief

TheDMproductions is a multisource pooper and known collaborator from the North Woods. Most well known for his veggietales YTPs, and his MonstersINComplete YTP. Also known collaborator.


TheDMproductions first got into Youtube Poop back in 2009 when he came across Toys gone Wild. Since then he had been watching YTPs through out the late 2000s and early 2010s. In 2015 after watching tons of YTPs through out the early summer he decided to make his first ever YTP called Toys on the Rampage after being inspired by a veggie-tales pooper by the name of Joe Dak. He did not intend to continue to create YTPs initially but ended up making a second YTP in november called Twinkle Wish Massacre. It wasn't until 2016 when his pooping career really kicked off

In 2016, DM joined the Youtube Pooper's collab hosted by Jimmy Davis. DM was always a big fan of Jimmy Davis and wanted to join this collab. However he was inexperienced in making YTPs and only had Imovie at his disposal. It took 3 try's to get into the collab but he finally managed to do so. Through out 2016 DM used the first half of the year to work on his editing skills, and try to establish what kind of pooper he was. He was using imovie through out the winter and early spring of 2016 but did try out a 30 day final cut pro trial and made 2 poops with that. Tsukasa doesn't need a workout, and Captain Larry Stroganoff" After a while DM mannaged to gain enough money to purchase the full version of final cut pro, and through out the spring and summer continued to make his YTPs. 2016 as a whole for DM was an exploratory year. He made it to 100 subs and made his most popular YTP Monsters INComplete, He also was well known at the time for using Veggietales as a source an joined a private skype group with WoopDooCreations and other veggietales youtube pooper's. He also got in the top 30 YTPs of 2016 list by jimmy davis with 2016 A Veggie Odyssey coming in at number 28.

During 2017, DM has established himself as a full on youtube pooper. He made it to 500 Subs at the beginning of the year, then made it to 1k subs during the summer. DM Came out with tons of YTPs including MAD COW DISEASE, Which was his 500 sub special and most popular YTP he made in 2017. This year was also home to DMs veggiescended YTP which was a short YTP series DM made to compile popular veggietales memes into one YTP. He also created the Battle of Ferns Bladder in the summer of 2017 Which was DMs longest YTP. This year was also home to DMs first collab which was the Railgun Collab which only had 4 entries including his own. And this is also home to DM's favorite YTP he's ever made entitled the Song of Boo. DM was also apart of a series entitled Dumb Dubbies, A Dubbing Improve series founded by JK Doodles. DM was also featured on Jimmy Davis's poopcast in the month of october. DM Feels like 2017 was the most fun he's ever had during his YTP career. He felt the year was full of great times and probably some of the best times, However it ended rough when DM was forced to leave his current skype group of friends due to disagreements and drama.

During 2018, DM after leaving his initial group of friends joined the Shaffrilas Productions Discord server, and became a part of the Shaffrilas Circles, As well as joined many other smaller discord groups. DM started becoming more social in the community during 2018. And during the first half of the year DM came out with many great YTPs. This was the year DM came out with his first successful collab The Duck Tales Collab. DM spent most of 2018 on collab entries and joined a whole ton of collabs. However he did make some stand alone YTPs including the sequel to Veggiescended entitled Veggiescended 2. However through out the year of 2018, DM was being heavily cyberbullied and slandered by a person who used to be his friend but backstabbed him later, Alchemist Area who was in the skype group DM was apart of during 2017 was making false accusations about DM and trying to ruin his life, When half way through the year it came out that Area was a pedophile and was only lying about DM to make himself feel like a hero. Through out the second half of 2018 DM started loosing interest in YTP and being in the community to him started feeling like a chore

In 2019 DM hit rock bottom. DM was no longer enjoying making YTPs. He hosted the Wall-e Collab which took forever for DM to get up due to coppyright, and all of his other early 2019 projects where just not as good as the stuff he did years prior. During the summer of 2019 DM had decided to hang up the hat and quite YTP For good, However he changed his mind after joining a joke collab made by SneakyBoots entitled the Bestest Collab Ever, And made a YTP entitled Wiggly Poop Time, which DM was using more simple styles and not putting as much effort into it, and focused more on having fun with the video instead of trying to make a stylish YTP like he did before. After this DM decided to stop taking YTP as seriously as he did before and decided to have fun with his video's. During the second half of 2019 his video style changed to a more ironic one, Some people claimed that his video's went to shit during the second half of 2019, as they where chock full of old jokes, MLG, Poorly edited content, ect. However DM was having more fun then he'd ever had during this time period. During 2019 DM also joined a podcast series called the Youtube Poop Review hosted by AReallyAwsomeGuy117. During this podcast DM was exposed to many different types of poop styles he had never seen or whitnessed before. And wanted to try his hand at some different styles

Currently in 2020 DM is having a blast. He has started his first tennis match "Playing girla purpleheart" and has been trying hard to have fun with his content like he did in the end of 2019. His YTPs have taken a new style, as he's done more effect bassed stuff and experimental stuff during 2020 then he did years prior. However, February and march has been quite difficult, He is still being treated quite poorly simply for his YTP style and joke style. However, DM Does not care. To quote DM, "YTP has no boundary's, You can make whatever you want" And DM will continue with that thought for the rest of his YTP Career.

As of now DM plans to continue YTPs as long as people continue to watch them

First poop seen

Toys Gone Wild

First poop made

YTP - Toys on the Rampage:


DMs style used to be very reference heavy. More recently he has done YTPs in all different types of styles including Sentence Mixing, Ironic, Fast Paced, Trippy, Experimental, and Effects based.

Re-ocurring Main Sources

DM Tries to use multiple different types of sources to make his YTPs. He tries not to stick to specifically one source. But he will occasionally use sources he likes more then once

Re-occuring Minor Sources

DM also likes to use continuity in some of his YTPs.

Recommended Playlists


Preferred Software


Overall Reception

DMs video's have mixed opinions through out the years. Some of his video's hold up well while other's don't.


  • DM has been critisized on his editing in the past, As his editing and masking arn't always the best at times.
  • Sometimes DM's jokes in his YTPs don't hold up that well.
  • DM can also be quite rigid at times, and is very set in his ways.