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From Chewiki Archive - YouChew: 1% Funny, 99% Hot Gas
Revision as of 21:42, 13 August 2007 by Ophios (talk | contribs)
Ophios Mah Boi! This cosplayer is ashamed of this stub of an article, you could help by continuing the writing of a stupid yet witty farce of your life. Do you even know what a farce is, you uneducated philistine?

The Early Years

The Early Years of The Early Years

Born as an onion named "Jerry Tasslemen". Ophios lived a quiet life in the small town of Q'L. Usually spending most of his time hiding in the basement of his house, Ophios was shy individual, who had dreams of going to earth, where he could be equal with most of it's denizens. Unfortunately, in the process, he had to leave behind most of what he loved, that being his extensive collection of navel lint (Of which he collected from other people, seeing as onions do not have navel lint).

The Middle Years of The Early Years

Upon landing on earth, Jerry took on the name "Florian Schneider-Esleben". And took residence in the town of [[1]], where he spent most of his time hiding in the basement of his house. The Eighties came, and Jerry Found himself the headman of a pop band, "The Tasslemen". the fame went to his head, and after 12 hit records, Jerry legally changed his name to Ophios, where upon he tried to assassinate Ronald Reagen, He was scolded.

The Late Years of The Early Years

Ophios retired to his basement.

The net

To be continued...