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From Chewiki Archive - YouChew:
1% Funny, 99% Hot Gas

In brief
Cartoonlover98 is a popular Irish pooper, who uses sources including Thomas and SpongeBob, but also uses obscure sources including The Simpsons, Barney & Friends and Bear in the Big Blue House.
First poop made
- Sentence Mixing
- Stutter Loop
- Sex Jokes/Censored Nudity
- Ear Rape
- Just like EmperorLemon, cartoonlover98 is home to making 9/11 jokes. In recent years, he has lampshaded the offensiveness of these jokes in-universe.
- He was accused of using Ear Rape.
Poop Listing
- YouTube Poop: Tomax is Forced to Spend his Xmas with Muslims
- YouTube Poop: Tomax Flips Off the Cops
- YouTube Poop: Benny the Pedosaur
- YouTube Poop: Tomax Gives Blowjobs to Cartoon Ponies
- YouTube Poop: A Very Shitty SpingeBill Hanukkah
- YouTube Poop: Almo Never Shuts the Fuck Up
- YouTube Poop: Tomax and Burtee Go to Neverland
- YouTube Poop: Spingebill's Twelve Minutes of Faggotry
- 200 SUB SPECIAL: Tomax Has a Mid-Life Crisis
- YouTube Poop: Benny's Unusual Cow Parade
- YouTube Poop: Tomax Gets Sold on eBay
- YouTube Poop: Ducky Daff & His Diaphram
- YouTube Poop: Honree Vs. The Flying Kipper The Dog
- YouTube Poop: Tomax, Pussy & the Coffee Beans
- YouTube Poop: Spingebill Invades Wet Dreams
- YouTube Poop: Tawmee Worships Stalin
- YouTube Poop: Why are you pooping this episode again?
- YouTube Poop: Ben10tehloonatic's Ear Rape Party
- YouTube Poop: Puxley Hig in the Stoner Age
- The 3rd TTTE Collab
- YouTube Poop: Spingebill is Being Too Over-protective of Paper
- YouTube Poop: Spingebill's Twelve Minutes of Faggotry
- YouTube Poop: Fieldgarf Murders a Yellow Eyeballed Rapist
- YouTube Poop: Tomax and Burteeeeee's Drag Race
- YouTube Poop: The Critisizer of Childhood Memories Insults Italians
- YouTube Poop: Two 6ft Pyjama Donning Fruits Molest Stuffed Animals
- The Nostalgia Critic Collab
- YouTube Poop: Purzee Inhales Fog
- YouTube Poop: Penis and Sperm Adopt an African Child
- YouTube Poop: Rain and Shitty Create a Facebook Page
- Nostalgia Critic: cartoonlover98
- YouTube Poop: Spingebill Trains For a Job He's Shit At
- YouTube Poop: Hungmer Entertains Little Kiddies
- YouTube Poop: Gay Gay Becomes a Jehovah's Witness
- YouTube Poop: Spingebill Digests a Pastry Disguised Explosive
- YouTube Poop: Spingebill & Krabbypants's Killtacular Escapade!
- YouTube Poop: Some Trains Fock Around With Ducks
- YouTube Poop: Spingebill & Squardwid Become Butt Buddies
- YouTube Poop: The Phat Kuntroller's Groin Smells Like Fish
- YouTube Poop: A Benifying Looney is a Little Too Fond of Those Spinsins...
- YouTube Poop: Raydink's Creepy-Ass Holiday Special
- YouTube Poop: Bear Forgets to Pay His Mortgage
- YouTube Poop: You Are a Sad, Strange Little Man
- YouTube Poop: Plinkplank's Disturbing Glimpse of Reality
- YouTube Poop: Trains and Badly Drawn Pigs Don't Mix Well
- YouTube Poop: Benny Gets Fingered by Black People
- YouTube Poop: Spingebill Travels Half the Globe for a Hat
In February 2015,all of cartoonlover98's SpongeBob poops were deleted. Similar fates have happened to sinnedtragedy98 and BarneyIsPerverted.