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From Chewiki Archive - YouChew: 1% Funny, 99% Hot Gas
Revision as of 18:19, 25 November 2011 by Geibuchan (talk | contribs) (Well, since i'm gonna be on the front page, I should at least clean up around here)
NicePooper.jpg This article is about a creator of YouTube Poop videos, known as a Youtube Pooper.


In his early days at Youtube, he would watch the boomers of poop that thrived through the ages or something. normally he made just non-poop videos using Paint and Windows Movie Maker for his videos. Strangely, some of them looked like he used Flash but the reason is because of Multimedia class at his school. He never really had a lot of views until he felt happy one day and just decided to make The King's Epic Adventure Part 1 as an attempt to make something of a popular flash poop... with Paint and Movie Maker. This being around the time when flash poops were more acceptable. Since then, he began to only make poops once in a while, and on that while he'd make a poop from movie maker, using paint to simulate "flash" effects, trying to make best of what he had. He never really made a lot of videos until he made a big discovery on his mom's school labtop.

Now he leeches of his mommy's computer with his newfound access to Adobe Premere, causing his video editing to recieve an impressive boost in quality. To this day he makes poops hunched over his mom's notebook. His workstyle is inspired by several boomers and modern day poopers, but typically involves attempting to blend multiple poop-genres at once, with loads of visual effects. Otherwise, it's pretty much him doing whatever he wants. The King's Epic Adventure is continued to this day every summer (with the exception of episode 4 being delayed). Up-to-date standards made by part 3 include scentence splicing, Ear rape, a jumpy plot, somewhat fluent animation, seizure effects, video game references, boss battles, occasionally custom-drawn visuals and absolutely NO typical flash-poop traits such as Cd-i Characters with guns, or overused spadinner jokes,

In Brief

He's a really friendly pooper whose life goal is to make people happy with his work

First poop seen

Robotnik on the Toilet

First poop made

Graduation of MALICE


Most of Geibuchan's poops have a little Azumanga Daioh poop at the end.

Preferred Sources

Preferred Methods

Prefered Tech


  • Quality cartoons
  • Azumanga Daioh
  • Everything from Nintendo. (He was born and raised on Super Mario Bros.)
  • Nostalgia (which makes the Nostalgia Critic a hero of his)
  • Azumanga Daioh
  • Capcom
  • Food
  • Sonic the Hedgehog
  • Metal Gear Solid (Snake an' Otacon have roles in his yearly series, The King's Epic Adventure)
  • Pac Man (Were' gonna start some leaks, on Paak Maaghn! P-P-P-PAAAKK-MAAAAUGHN)
  • Metal Slug
  • Chocolate
  • Cow and Chicken
  • Rare
  • Pretty much anything he uses for poop sources except for lucky star


Aside from the wtfBOOM meme and abysmal poops from overexcited people, there aren't a lot of things that I can't stand in poop. There's no real poopism or sub-genre that I dispise either so I'm just gonna tell you what I gotta deal with in third person (be prepared for rants, as these are some personal pet peves of mine.)

  • Papayas
  • Being compared to Waxonator. For some odd reason, some of Geibuchan's fans mistake his actions of having Alice grab Mr. saturn in the middle of a full conversation with the Chechire Cat with Wax's style of sticking gifs in places of unedited material where they don't belong. This just happens to him too often. plus it's just plain rude to come into a room where he's in, complain about his ear rape or usage of azumanga daioh, say that waxonator could've made a better one, and proceed to spend 4 entries talking with another on how Wax slapped the "me gusta" face on bagheera once in a poop or something.
  • Allergies, they prevent some people from enjoying the finer things in life.
  • Being messed with by authoritive figures...
  • ...disregard that last statement...


Since the debut of the first episode of the King's Epic Adventure in October 09, 2008, his popularity and respect as a pooper skyrocketed. No, I mean, seriously, he startsoutwithafewminoranimationvidsandthenBOOM, out of fucking nowhere, he goes from, maybe, 4 subscribers to 1,000!

Unfortunately, not many of his viewers are interested in any of his poops that DON'T involve King Harkinian and his epic adventure. Why the fuck NOT? "Allison Won Derland 4 is just as fucking funny as any other--... *ahem*... Sorry.


Only 1 out of 25 people seem to have a problem with his ear-raping tendencies. 3 out of 75 accuse him of being a "weaboo" just because he uses Azumanga Daioh as a poop source. (they can't even tell that it's the same show half the time)


  • He has over 2000 subscribers.
  • The King's Epic Adverture part 3 made #1 in the Top Ten Monthly Poops of June by KevinTAckerman, and #2 in July and September 2010. (the video took up 3 monthly parts)
  • Allison Won Derland Part 2 has recieved 1st place in the Top Ten Monthly Poops of October 2010.


Other Information

  • He has a DeviantART account. never uses it.
  • If a fan or fellow viewer ever presents a question to him that he doesn't know how, refuses, or is too lazy to answer, he commonly replies with "How should I know?".
  • He is probably the only pooper out there who happily interacts with his fanbase.


  • In this real world, he's your daily dose of a cartoon/video game enthusiast.
  • He is the only pooper thus far to have ever written a comic/manga just for one of their videos.
  • Finds Lucky Star to be overrated, but abba-so-lutely LOVES Azumanga Daioh. Anyone else have a hard time understanding that?
  • Got his 2000th subscriber on Halloween, 2010... the same time as other guys whose names i cannot remember who reached 2k


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