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Charlie Sheen

Charlie Sheen is a man who is so called "winning". Though many believe he is bipolar, he is in fact "biwinning". Sources still have not explained who or what he is winning against or for.
Charlie Sheen is actually an illegal immigrant from Mexico known as Carlos Irwin Estevez and ran to America and hid on the set of the film Platoon. To keep himself hidden, he created the alias Charlie Sheen, and said he was the son Martin Sheen. The director, believing he was the son of a legend, decided to cast him in Platoon. Not much is known after that, some saying that film either failed or won an Oscar.
After a while, Charlie Sheen wanted to complete his life ambition to become a baseball player. He accidently came across the set of Major League and was supposedly in that film. He thought the whole time he was actually playing baseball since he was a real crack head.