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From Chewiki Archive - YouChew:
1% Funny, 99% Hot Gas
Revision as of 13:26, 28 August 2009 by AbsoluteBillion (talk | contribs) (You should have a pooper tag because you are a pooper and poopers should have a pooper tag, pooping pooper.)
In brief
A relatively new pooper, but has been watching for far too long.
He first stumbled across YTP when he was linked accidently by a friend to an unknown poop. Since then he has been a avid fanboy.
First poop seen
First poop made
CLEEEEEEEEEEEEVELAND [unfinished] beta (Now unavailable, because it is pure trash)
Preferred Sources
- Advertisments
- Dexters Lab
- Any of the 'modern' Cartoon Network shows
- Anything that is even slightly exploitable.
Preferred Methods
- Sentence Mixing
- Stuttering
- Ear Rape
Prefered Tech
As most, started with WMM, then moved onto Vegas, then finally onto Premiere.
Solid plot poops Flash edited poops Overuse of CD-i (Good in small amounts)
In Real Life
A super cool guy...
- KroboProductions
- Captpan6
- JackTron7000
- Electricthecheese