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Chester A. Bum

And Now, It's Time For Another Chewiki Article. Tonight's Review: Chester A. Bum.
OH MY GOD, THIS IS THE GREATEST CHEWIKI ARTICLE I'VE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE!!!!! There's this guy, whose name is Chester A. Bum, and he usually reviews current movies. (Which is quite the opposite of what the Nostalgia Critic usually does. (Infact, Chester once reviewed that one Big Bird movie that I can't seem to recall when the Nostalgia Critic cried because he simply didn't wan't to bash it, no matter how hard he tried.)) He usually calls the movie that he reviews "THE GREATEST MOVIE HE'S EVER SEEN IN HIS LIFE!!!". (Which is really quite repetitive, when you think about that.) BUT WHO CARES ABOUT REPITION?! Not Chester A. Bum. He then describes how the movie follows out in his own perspective (with some of Chester A. Bum's own thoughts about some of the scenes he saw during that movie.). He sometimes also says random stuff that sort of make sense when thinking about these scenes, like how that Speed Racer movie made him feel like he was on drugs, except that he wasn't on drugs. (That reason is because that he was indeed the drugs itself.) He also spoils the ending of that movie if you didn't see it yourself. THAT'S NOT ALL! I ALSO DID A EPISODE FOR ASKTHATGUYWITHTHEGLASSES WHEN HE DIED DUE TO A SCREAMER (Which was because some nimrod asked him how to avoid screamers at all costs.). I ALSO FEEL LIKE I'VE INJECTED HEROIN INSIDE OF MY DICK! HOORAY!!! (Did I also forget to mention that he says HOORAY!!! at random times sometimes.) This is Chester A. Bum saying: CHANGE!!! YOU GOT CHANGE!!! AW, COME ON! HELP A GUY OUT, WILL YA?! CHANGE!
- "I once thought my car was a cookie, except it wasn't a car or a cookie...IT WAS MAN!"
- "It felt like I was on drugs, except I wasn't on drugs!!! I Was Drugs!!!!!!!!!!!!"
- "I wish I had a vagina!"
- "I'm Chester A. Bum, I remember it, though I don't remember why, and I am here to talk to you about the GREATEST MOVIE I'VE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE..... And I Don't Say That Very Often!!!!!!!!!!"
- "Now I won't exactly ruin the movie for you, SO I'LL JUST TELL YOU EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS!!!!!!"
- "What your name? Ateryu. Gesundheit!"
- "I'm Chester A. Bum, I remember it, though I don't remember why."
- He can shave his beard off by putting cheeze whiz (lol) on his face and make all his rats name Darryl (sp?) eat the hair that's covered on the cheese.
- It's also how he does it on his bikini area.
- Was confirmed to have eaten his mother, which ment that he once had to resort to cannibalism in order for him to survive. (See his The Day The Earth Stood Still review as proof.)
- He was once parodied by Benzaie.
- It was revealed that he has a special perfume thing called "Bumessence".
- He really hates that Twilight thing. (You know what I mean?)
- He also thinks that Citizen Kane is the worst movie he ever saw in his life.
- Chester A. Bum, the Nostalgia Critic, and Ask ThatGuyWithTheGlasses all changed places in which Chester A. Bum reviews movies in the Nostalgia Critic's way (with him doing stuff his own way), the Nostalgia Critic answers some stupid questions that's for ThatGuyWithTheGlasses, and ThatGuyWithTheGlasses reviews movies in the way of Chester A. Bum (albeit he does that in a mostly poor value.).
- Might have a long lost brother or a cousin named Lester B. Bum, whom first appeared in Linkara's Watchmen review.
- He currently lives in a can of tuna, and he doesn't want to do so. (Though he doesn't mind living in a can of spinach.}
- Was confirmed in his X-Men Origins: Wolverine review that he used to play Megaman before he was forced to eat his own T.V. to survive.
- Also, in that same review, he wished that his dad, his girlfriend, and his old people would die, if certain stuff hadn't already happened, such as his dad already being dead, his girlfriend was a horse (Which, for some strange reason, makes her immune to death, I guess.), and his doesn't know any old people.
- He also gets orgasmic whenever someone says change. "Change? CHANGE! YOU GOT CHANGE?! AW, COME ON, HELP A GUY OUT WILL YOU? CHANGE! I PROMISE THAT I'LL STOP SHAVING WITH MY PET RATS!!!"