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Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts not used often in Youtube Poop but has been known to be popular with younger poopers. It is a crossover RPG game for the PS2, tying together the worlds of Final Fantasy and Disney, with some original characters thrown in as well. You played as Sora, Donald, Goofy, and other characters in the game. But mostly Sora. Sora uses a weapon called the Keyblade to fend off Heartless, which are creatures that steal peoples hearts or something like that. The game was a hit in both Japan and the US. Basically, it's kind of a big deal.
Also infamous for it's dense plot, and that's putting it lightly. But if Sora getting into Super Smash Bros. Ultimate as DLC is anything, Nintendo sure liked it. Enough to pay Disney through the fucking nose for 2 seconds of a Mickey Mouse keychain in a trailer.
Made by
Squaresoft/Disney Interactive
With emphasis given to those seen in Youtube Poops
- Goofy
- Donald
- Sora
- Riku
- Kairi
- Roxas
- Mickey Mouse
- Jack Skellington
- Various Disney characters
- Sephiroth
Often Used by
- Heartlessmushroom (particularly the scene where the infamous LULZ Sora appears)
- omiwako
Sometimes Used by
Disliked by
Further information
Many of its male characters have been whored out in Yaoi pairings. Not something I needed to see.
Main Source for Poopers