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From Chewiki Archive - YouChew: 1% Funny, 99% Hot Gas
Revision as of 10:26, 24 October 2016 by NKpower (talk | contribs) (NKpower moved page Chucklevision to ChuckleVision: Correcting the title of the show.)
MediaNice.jpg This article is about a Media Source, which is remixed to create a YouTube Poop.

Name: Chucklevision
Country of Origin: United Kingdom
Year Created: 1987


Chucklevision is a very popular British kids TV show made by the Childrens BBC. It started in 1987 and new episodes are still being made usualy yearly. The show stars Paul and Barry Eliot as The Chuckle Brothers. The story plot of almost every episode is The Chuckles would be given a simple task like Making a Jigsaw, Washing a Car or Looking after a Poodle. The two screw up and have to fix it. By trying to fix it the two screw it up more. The two get fired by the person who gave them the job and usualy get chased. Sometimes the writers try to mix it up by having the two get capture by aliens or one of them finding a 70 something old leprechaun that noone else can see that annoys him until someone else says his name (Im not kidding those are Real Episode Plots). Alot of the time they piss off a man with anger issues called No Slacking who usualy gives the two there tasks they screw up later on in the episode.

First Used in a Poop by


Paul and Barry need a new clock (Not on Youtube Due to Maker Being Suspended)

Often Used by



Main Source for Poopers

Youtube and Media Converter

Further Information

Katanasoul inspired many Poopers to use Chucklevision as a Source.

Other External Links

Full Episodes

More Full Episodes