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From Chewiki Archive - YouChew: 1% Funny, 99% Hot Gas
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Newcomers still make responses.
Newcomers still make responses.
*[ The Video Responses]
[[Category:Poop Fads]]
[[Category:Poop Fads]]

Revision as of 06:33, 9 March 2010

PoopsNice.jpg This article is about a notable YouTube Poop.

Filler #71519 was a very influential filler video created by Ophios back in the summer of '08.

This video became extremely popular as soon as the video responses came pouring in and eventually it was it's own fad.


The video starts out as if it was a normal day for "Jay" the main protaginist in the animated sitcom series The Critic. Throughout the video he is bombarded with very annoying phonecalls varying from video game references to lines from other tv shows.

Loved by

  • Everyone

Status on the fad

Newcomers still make responses.
