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From Chewiki Archive - YouChew: 1% Funny, 99% Hot Gas
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<!--This template forms the the backbone of a Pooper entry, it's fully customisable so you can add or delete whatever you want. Remember this isn't a profile page and may well be edited by other people. Please remember to only link to the directory where possible. Every link to youtube makes them bigger and us smaller-->
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[[Image:DualScreenLogo.png|right|thumb|320px|DualScreen77's Logo]]
[[Image:DualScreenLogo.png|right|thumb|320px|DualScreen77's Logo]]

Revision as of 00:51, 6 July 2008

NicePooper.jpg This article is about a creator of YouTube Poop videos, known as a Youtube Pooper.

DualScreen77's Logo

In brief

DualScreen77 is also known as Dual-Screen. He likes to make YouTube Poops that satisfy his standards.


Discovery Of YouTube Poop

DualScreen77 first discovered YouTube Poop one late summer day while he was randomly browsing funny videos on YouTube. He was watching "Unnecessary Censorhip" videos and eventually found a video called "Youtube Poop - Unnecessary Censorship". Wondering what YouTube Poop was, he decided to do a YouTube search and found a load of CD-I and Super Mario Bros Poops. He found these to be really funny and favorited them, subscribed to some poopers and eventually began talking to his friends about it at school.

Just Experimenting

Then in late December of 2007, he downloaded the CD-I clips and made a five second long clip in Windows Movie Maker where it shows King Harkinian lip-syncing some love song that was lurking on his hard drive. He did not upload this clip because it was too short and was made for experimental purposes.

His First Attempt

After this he went on to work on his first video, which was entitled "To Catch A Predator: Hyrule" which was going to be a YouTube Poop based off the show "To Catch A Predator" where the King meets and underaged girl online and proceeds to meet her in real life but instead meets Chris Hansen. This video was going to use nothing but sentence mixing and censor beeps and was not going to contain other poopisms. He would also only use the CD-I clips and several audio clips from the show "To Catch A Predator". He was almost done with it until Windows Movie Maker began to crash frequently to the point he could no longer work on it, so he then canceled the video. He tried to re-make this video in Adobe Premiere but had to stop due to the project file becoming corrupt. A friend of his in real life (Cairnage545 on YouTube) offered to finish the Windows Movie Maker version but was unable to obtain a copy of the file due to "missing resources". The project was then abandoned completely after this.

The King's Quest For Loli

Sometime during late-January, a friend of his in real life (4rAg0uT on YouTube) offered him his copy of Sony Vegas Movie Studio after he had heard that Dual-Screen was interested in making YouTube Poops. Dual-Screen gladly accepted this offer and found Sony Vegas to be way easier to use than Adobe Premiere. He then began to work on his first poop entitled "The King's Quest For Loli" which was about the King and his short adventure on buying some lolicon. Not only was it his first YouTube Poop but it was the first video he made using Sony Vegas. It contained sentence mixing, stuttering and some short musical parts. He came up with the idea for this video after Cairnage545 told him what loli was and talked to him about making a YouTube Poop about loli.

Start Of Dual-Screen's YouTube Poop Career

After he completed this video, Dual-Screen he went to YouTube to upload the video, only problem was was that he did not have a YouTube account. Cairnage545 offered Dual-Screen the chance to share an account with him and upload his YouTube Poops on there. Dual-Screen refused and made his own account. Dual-Screen uploaded "The King's Quest For Loli" on February 17, 2008.

And his pooping career had begun.

dAavtwiWN_E|250}} DualScreen77's first Youtube Poop.

First poop seen

Youtube Poop - Unnecessary Censorship

First poop made

The King's Quest For Loli

DualScreen77's Videos

YouTube Poops

TheKing's Quest For Loli

The King's Quest For Loli

This is Dual-Screen's first YouTube Poop that he uploaded. It is also his most viewed YouTube Poop. It is a short Cd-I poop that is about the King trying to obtain some lolicon. The most famous part from this video the part when Goronu lip-synced the opening verse from the "Numa Numa" song. It consisted of sentence mixing, censor beeps, stuttering and musical scenes. It was met with much criticism because it used the Cd-i clips and had extensive musical scenes. Despite this several people thought it was good for a first video and that Dual-Screen had potential.

Mr. Kimura Is On Green M&Ms

Mr. Kimura Is On Green M&Ms

In this video Dual-Screen pooped his favorite anime, Azumanga Daioh. It was mainly made for an AMV contest at his school but contained elements that made it a YouTube Poop. This video won the AMV contest at his school and was one point short of being a perfect AMV. It mostly consisted of musical segments and lip-syncing but had sentence mixing as well as stuttering. This is Dual-Screen's most favorited video. Dual-Screen has recieved many PMs requesting that he should make a second Azumanga Daioh Poop.

Sousuke Is Not Amused

Sousuke Is Not Amused

After the sucess of Mr. Kimura Is On Green M&Ms, Dual-Screen decided to make another anime poop. He decided to use the anime Full Metal Panic Fummoffu because there were no Full Metal Panic poops, unless you counted this one video that uses it for twelve seconds. He used sentence mixng, stuttering and lip-syncing. The Poop itself was slow paced and somewhat dull. Dual-Screen considers this to be his worst video despite the fact that a fair amount of his subscribers like it.

J. Jona's Dream Comes True

J. Jona's Dream Comes True

Dual-Screen decided to do a live action poop. So he decided to make one on Spider-Man 3. He did not poop the entire movie but just a few of it's scenes. He placed these "pooped" scenes in order that they occur in the movie. The only problem Dual-Screen had with it was that for it being a Spider-Man poop, there wasn't enough Spiderman in it.

A DeLorean Made Out Of A DeLorean?

A DeLorean Made Out Of A DeLorean?

Dual-Screen had decided to do another live-action poop, this time he pooped another favorite movie of his, Back To The Future. This is considered to be Dual-Screen's funniest YouTube Poop to date. He had planned on doing a Back To The Future poop ever since he made "The King's Quest For Loli", he just saved pushed it back to beeing his fifth video because he had a feeling it was going to do well, which it did. Dual-Screen did the same thing that he did with his Spider-Man video and pooped select scenes from the movie and placed them in chronological order. Dual-Screen knew the movie so well that he was able to do excellent (and convincing) sentence mixing. The video was widely praised because of it's sentence mixing and the part where Dual-Screen made Marty McFly lip-sync the Oingo Boingo song "Little Girls". It is Dual-Screen's top rated video as well as many of his fans' favorite.

YouTube Poop Tennis

Dual-Screen VS ZeroKirbyGames

Dual-Screen VS ZeroKirby (Playlist of entire match)

A six round YouTube Poop Tennis match played with [ZeroKirbyGames], who is a friend of his in real life.

Deleted/Canceled YouTube Poops

Jacob Loves Michael Jackson

Video deleted off of YouTube.

A short video Dual-Screen made due to pure boredom. He found a video interview of J-Dizzle, who was a white kid at his school who thought he could rap and dance. He downloaded the video and made a poop out of it for his own amusement. He then sent it to kenax666 (YouTube account of a friend in real life). Kenax666 then told him that he should put it on YouTube so then Dual-Screen did. He purposely did not put "YouTube Poop" in the title or the tags so it wouldn't receive as much attention. Dual-Screen did not count this video as a poop. A few months later after the video's release, Dual-Screen received a complaint from J-Dizzle asking him to take the video down, or he would report his other videos. So Dual-Screen did not want to risk losing his other videos so he deleted the video as requested. Dual-Screen will however e-mail you this video if you ask him though.

Ikari Loves Little Slugger

A never completed Paranoia Agent YouTube Poop that would have came out after Mr. Kimura Is On Green M&Ms. It was never completed because Dual-Screen had trouble coming up with ideas for it. It is unlikely that he will try it again though.

Ikki Buys A Contraceptive

A never completed Medabots YouTube Poop that Dual-Screen was working on recently. Dual-Screen completed the first thirty seconds of this and felt that it was too dull so he abandoned. Dual-Screen may come back to this later though.

The King Fails At RockBand

A never completed CD-I YouTube Poop that was supposed to come out after The King's Quest For Loli. This poop would have been animated in Microsof PowerPoint and would have been enhanced in Sony Vegas, creating the first "PowerPoint Poop". The idea came up while Dual-Screen and Cairnage545 were talking about RockBand. The plot was that Link was bored and the King goes to buy a game to entertain him. The King then goes to the shopkeeper and buys RockBand and returns to Hyrule to play with Link, Gwonam and Ganon. They all play one song which the King fails on and hell breaks loose. It was canceled because Dual-Screen was flamed before for using CD-I and did not want to relive that.


Preferred Sources

Preferred Methods

  • Sentence Mixing
  • Stuttering
  • Image Edits
  • Lip-Sycning

Prefered Tech

  • Sony Vegas
  • Microsoft PowerPoint


  • Bad Sentence Mixing
  • YTPMV segments in YouTube Poops that are too long



  • Was flamed for using Cd-i in his first Poop because of the war on aids.
  • Received complaints from a wangsta kid at his school after he had made a YouTube Poop of one of his interviews.


  • Created the one of the more well-known Back To The Future poops.
  • Created one of the only Full Metal Panic Poops.


In Real Life

All names listed are YouTube accounts:

  • Cairnage545
  • 4rAg0uT
  • ZeroKirbyGames


Other Information

  • Begins every YouTube Poop video makes with a seven-second long intro sequence that shows his logo.
