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Revision as of 13:05, 5 November 2009

NicePooper.jpg This article is about a creator of YouTube Poop videos, known as a Youtube Pooper.

this person has no picture

In brief

A music lover and critic that one day decided to make his own YouTube Poop.

Nowadays I'm actually kind of good at it.


Discovery and WMM days (January 29, 2008 - July 25, 2008)

Prepare yourselves for a novel-worthy read

One day in a fit of who-gives-a-crap, I searched up videos of the Rabbids from

their eponymous Rayman game. One of the videos I came across was a confusing

pastiche of Rabbid clips with scenes from a cartoon starring raccoons. As time

passed I came to know this artful insanity as YouTube Poop, and I thereby

discovered Stegblob. I constantly downloaded his videos to watch on my iPod

as school dragged by. Soon, because I didn't know better, I made my own on

Windows Movie Maker (the holy grail of fail, amirite?) based on my then-favorite

show, Countdown with Keith Olbermann. Titled "Keith Olbermann Says You've

Done Bad Things", the only remarkable factor about it was that there were few

Keith poops at the time, if any. I guess people knew they could do better and did. :/

After sucking the "UNFITTING MUSIC" fad dry for a few many videos, I created my

most popular video to date: "Robotnik Has Phone Sex with the King", filled to the

seams with cliches, unfunniness and no ideas that I actually still like. Wouldn't you

believe that people loved it? And they still occasionally post comments on the bits

they LOLd on? Me neither. The only interesting aspects of it were the custom and

frequently-used indent I made with an ear-rapey TV static and a still of one of

The Electric Cheese's "YouTube Poop logos", an

overabundance of Shoop-Da-Whoop, a rare use of Eddie Izzard in a YTP, and

making the Angry German Kid scream "CHOCOLAAAAAAATE". As of September 10, 2009, it has 200 ratings with an average of 4.39, and

14,770 views. I recently changed the title to the more fitting: "STOP FUCKING


Roughly ten days later, I followed "THIS SHIT" up with my third most-popular poop

of the era: "Robotnik Gets Rick Roll'd While Preying on Scratch". Obviously, the

RickRoll fad was still in full swing at this time. Again, it was full of cliches, though I

finally began including things that not only were actually funny, but still are now. It

contains perhaps my biggest claim to reverse-language fame as, Robotnik: "A

dong has the trust in us for shits and hoots", as well as my second, Robotnik:

"SEXUALLLLL". It also began my long-running fascination with characters farting

after awkward pauses. "Rick Roll'd" included a credits sequence that was longer

than the actual poop itself, (who knows why I included one at all).

After making a popular and well-received addition to the 71519 fad, "71519

Lashes to Thine Backside", a second fad video that was kind of an offshoot of

71519, and two unfitting musics, I made my first YTPMV. A McRoll/"Don't Look it's


made my first truly good video. It was based off of Kraftwerk's "The Man-Machine",

and it was a direct response to Vorhias's "ITS TOO SHORT DONT LOOK" (which

was based off of Kraftwerk's "Computerlove"). It only worked because I cut out the

audio of the source and did the music entirely in Audacity, a method that I would

continue through another good YTPRemix, "Coughlan666 Prefers the Zelda


Three days later, I made my second Keith Olbermann poop, "Keith and Billo Fight

to the Death". When I made it was more proud of it than I was my first YTP, but

once again it was panned. Honestly it's not as bad as my first, and there are still a

few jokes in it I like, but I could have never made it and it'd pay me no-never mind.

Literally ONE DAY LATER, I posted my first addition to the "THIS VIDEO


WIN". It was based off the same Kirby music, but I used a voice clip from the

Ministry song "TV II" (Al Jourgensen: "CONNECT THE GODDAMN

DOOOOOTS!!!!"). The audio editing wasn't as strong as it could have been, what

with me missing a number of notes, but it's still one of my best videos from this

era. Probably the funniest part was a random image edit I made at the very end

that made the head of Al Jourgensen look like something from Monty Python.

Five fucking unfitting musics later, I contributed a video to the "This Video Will be

Flagged" fad, my version being titled " John McCain" and having Robotnik say

"dick" (spliced from "dictator"). I posted it as a response to VGS2's own video

of Robotnik saying "dicks", and VGS2 responded that one to mine afterwards. lolz If you listen closely to inbetween the "dick" bits, you can almost hear "penis" being

repeated as well. Listeners have left comments of other interesting things they

hear inbetween.

Two more unfitting musics later (I WAS BORED, OK?!!!) I did what's arguably

my first decent poop, "The Doctor Annoys Himself", based off of a couple Doctor

Who episodes I'd recently watched and clips of Robotnik humping a table. WMM

software held it back from being really good. That's my only excuse. Perhaps the

best part was getting Robotnik to say "MY MEMBER".

Another unfitting music, and I did my 100th video special: "Robotnik Has Phone

Sex With Rick Astley". Taking clips and jokes from my two then-most popular

YTPs, ("THIS SHIT" and "RickRoll'd") I seeked to make good of the shit I made, as

well as including other jokes that are still ok. I was still driving Jason Griffith into the

ground, so it suffers greatly at one point from that. It's notable for having my first foray into sentence mixing, (Robotnik: "My precious

gems are my dicks"), and my first attempt at a full video YTPMV with Robotnik

saying "COAL!" over the beat from Nine Inch Nails' "Closer". The latter didn't really

work, but it was a start.

My first video using more powerful software came in the form of a misguided

response. Someone named 'shadownitron' posted a video he was hoping to get

included as a clip in Mr. RandomDCE's Handy Dandy Guide on Stormhawks. I

had no idea, so I decided to include it in a bizarre filler made almost entirely in

Adobe Premiere. It was good for a lol or two.

I made one last unfitting music, then I essentialy left YTP alone for a few months to

do my other videos. Then I downloaded the trial to Sony Vegas 9...

The Early Days in Vegas (October 19, 2008 - December 9, 2008)

I didn't use Vegas immediately after downloading. All I had wanted for the longest

time was the ability to reverse clips, which I had to supplant with just reversing

audio. I simply used Vegas to reverse a couple Robotnik clips, which I included in

the only WMM poop of mine I'm willing to acknowledge positively anymore:

"Robotnik Makes Some Suggestions". Maybe me using Adobe Premiere's

"Motion" feature just improved the quality. Or maybe it was just plain funnier than

my previous shit.

I switched out "Pingas" with "Cock" making "SnooCOCKusual I see?" lolololololol I'm so funny.

I guess I knew I wouldn't be using Vegas again for a while, so I canceled the first

trial sometime around here. Instead, four days after "Suggestions", I did an epic

"THIS VIDEO CONTAINS WIN"/YTPRemix of the Zelda: Majora's Mask theme to

"Stone Tower Temple" using Robotnik's "pingas", Morshu's "mmmm" and

Ronald's "Ran ran ruu", and I called it "THIS VIDEO CONTAINS WIN ON A

MOLECULAR LEVEL". Funnily enough, the only person to badmouth it was an

unfunny camwhore, so yay me.

The end of November rolled around, and I decided to go for Vegas again. I

pooped a video a one asilentskeptic posted, and this time I used Vegas almost

entirely. It was one of the few to use WMM until the trial ran out, and I only used

WMM to put the individual sections of poop together. I've obviously done better,

but it's still a milestone in quality compared to those before.

One week later, determined to use my trial to its fullest, I created what might be the

most important YTP of my pseudo-career: "Azumanga Daiohfuckit". Not only did I

have an incredible amount of fun putting it together, it began my love of pooping

the eponymous show I had fallen in love with shortly before, it began a long chain

of my poops being very funny that continues to this day, my talents increased, and I

learned not to take shit from people who falsely DMCA my videos. As you may

have guessed, someone filed a claim against it, as well as one of

Dualscreen77's Azumanga poops, and I still kick myself for waiting so long to

deal with it. Maybe I should do the same with WMG and my removed album

reviews... X(

Oh well. Needless to say, it's still one of my best and favorite poops. I know I

overused the WTFBOOM, but I at least used it cleverly in a couple spots. The main

source of the poop was episode four.

Not half a week later I started on "Chiyo-Chan's Not Good at Cock". Though I didn't

have as much fun putting it together, and it's technically unfinished, it's definately

funnier than "Daiohfuckit". It was the first to prominently use stuttering/seizures, as

well as the first to have its title based on a joke from the previous Azumanga poop

(this one in particular is a quote from the very end of the main poop, a very small

sentence splice). It's probably my second most-loved YTP. I forget the episode I

used as the source.

Post-Trial, Exhile to the Laptop, and EditStudio (January 30, 2009 - April 29, 2009)

The trial ran out shortly after "Chiyo-Chan's Not Good at Cock", so I briefly returned

to WMM and Audacity to create my second YTPRemix opus, "Coughlan666

Prefers the Zelda Series". The visuals sucked, but the audio was and is my most

labor-intensive to date. It's a remix of the "Molgera" theme from Zelda: Windwaker

and a psychotic video by famed YouTube comedian Richard Coughlan.

A month or two passed when my computer died, following a long bought of

unresponsive-DVD drive. With my computer dead, my dad gave me his old laptop.

I did one WMM video, a fad response to RandomDCE that would have been

better had my computer not died.

One day while all this was going on, I decided to give EditStudio a chance, what

with it being free and having a reverse option (the watermark was mostly

unobtrusive, as well). It was kind of jarring to switch over to a new layout and work

style, so I abandoned it for some time. Sometime in mid-April, inspired by the

EditStudio prowess of Combuskenisawesome, I decided to give it another

shot. This time, I stuck with it long enough to endure the crashes and random

fuck-ups to create my third Azumanga poop, "Chiyo the Headbanger". It actually

came out really well. I got Mr. Kimura to be even more perverted

(inoimpossiblerite?) and to say "Let's Shit". I also got Yomi to say "What the shit?",

so I'd call that successful silliness. I included the credits, which I probably shouldn't

have, because in both this and the poop that followed, they take up too much time.

This one took it's title from the section of "Chiyo-Chan's Not Good at Cock" where

I had Chiyo constantly bang her head against a table as the scene otherwise

progressed normally.

The source is episode four, plus the infamous clip of Osaka saying "OH MY GAH".

I followed that up with the labor-intensive "Kimura Sweet Kimura", which was much

less of a hassle to work on. I basically went on a characters-saying-"cock" tangent

for a majority of it, based mostly on how the word is half of Sakaki's name

(SaCOCKi geddit?). I ran that into the ground as hard as I could, and it worked. I

worked a little harder to have running jokes throughout the poop; I like that kind of

stream-of-consciousness feel to videos like that. I'd even do the same thing in my

"just-got-a-webcam"/update video "Who the HELL is that?!!".

I also got Mr. Kimura to say "I like dikes". Someone thought he said "daleks".

This one's titled after a clip early on in the previous poop where I made Mr Kimura

mouth Kraftwerk's "Ohm Sweet Ohm". Don't worry, it wasn't just a crappy lip-sync; I

actually worked it into a full, bizarre scene that payed off with unexpected


I made one more clip of Azumanga material, of which I have yet to use. Thankfully, I

got a new computer and, after a few months, I was able to buy a full version of

Sony Vegas 9.

The Vegas Renaissance (August 15, 2009 - Present day)

With Vegas in hand, I proceeded to create the best YouTube Poops I've had in

forever. First, I made a good old Robotnik poop, "Robotnik's Stuck in Fuckin'

Chickentown", which will be the first in a running gag of titling Robotnik poops after


Five days later, inspired by a Young Ones poop by TimAJH that Youtube

couldn't handle, I made my own Young Ones poop called "Mike's Gutter Bitch

(AKA: The Young Ones Might be The Replacements)". It took too long with the

opening YTPMV/Remix, but everything else I'm totally proud of. I still love how the

Robotnik theme from AoStH worked so well with episode 2's closing credits. It

was the first poop where I used Vegas entirely for the YTPMV portions.

After a week or two of talking with Pilli10, HoZKiNZPooP,

MexicanSunflower and a number of others, HoZKiNZ and I came up with some

stupid Zelda CD-i jokes and he urged me to make a poop out of them. Not being

able to leave well-enough alone, I put effort into it and made "DA BESTEST

POOP EVAR (AKA: Wazzup, Reese's Pieces)" and it spread faster than my video

showing myself on camera. Both HoZKiNZ and Pilli responded with their own

variations on stupid CD-i poops that ended up being really funny, spurred on by

me having Link say that they both suck. XP

Pilli's had Gwonam saying "comicstripdude sucks penis", so touche to you sir.

For two following videos I discovered how to autopoop with Pinnacle Studio 12. I

don't recommend taking any of it or the process seriously, but the two videos I got

out of it were amusing. One was of "DA BESTEST POOP EVAR" and another

was of an Azumanga Daioh clip of the girls reaching Okinawa.

I was inspired by the latter to do a full poop of the one clip, and it's arguably my

best poop to date. Titled "Insert Portal Reference Here" (a Tech Text from the

previous Azu poop), it featured my most awesome YTPMV ever, which took its

beat from a song by my dad titled "What's Going On?" Link.

I posted the video as a reponse to Geibuchan's "Tomo and the Blustery Day"

poop, which made Geibuchan feel honored. Considering how much I like

Geibuchan's Azumanga poops, which show what you can really do with Windows

Movie Maker, that means a hell of a lot to me.

I also used GarudaSmash's carls jr in this.

You're now caught up with Comicstripdude's journey through YouTube Poop!

Aren't I just fucking fascinating?!

First poop seen

The title has been long lost to history, though I remember it being based on the

Raving Rabbids and some cartoon starring a raccoon. I think Pilli10 has used that

cartoon more than once in his YTPs.

First poop made

"Keith Olbermann Says You've Done Bad Things", and there's a reason it's set to private now.


Preferred Sources

  • Robotnik
  • Azumanga Daioh
  • Shows I like that aren't poop'd very often
  • Random music clips I happen to be enjoying at the time (for closing credits, mostly)

Preferred Methods

Preferred Tech

  • Sony Vegas 9
  • Audacity


  • High-pitched ear rape. Lower pitches I seem to handle better
  • Characters making innuendos is starting to get old. The most original one, I think, was CommanderGwonam making Ganon say "sperm" instead of, say, "cum".


  • When I do a good job, I get nothing if not positive responses from viewers


  • I used to just repeat clips in my WMM days
  • I don't revolve around HoZKiNZ's opinion of me and my work


  • I have almost 300 subscribers, though I know not many of them stuck around for my YouTube Poops
  • The average rating of the poops I'm proud of are 4.5-5 stars
  • Having a shitty WMM, cliche'd poop reach 200 4-5 star ratings
  • 41 people have searched specifically for "youtube poop robotnik makes some suggestions".
  • One of the first people to poop Weebl's "Amazing Horse" video and song.


In Real Life





Poop Listing

Does not include Unfitting Musics

  1. Keith Olbermann Says You've Done Bad Things set to private
  2. STOP FUCKING WATCHING THIS SHIT (Robotnik has Phone Sex with the King) Link
  3. Robotnik Gets Rick Roll'd While Preying on Scratch Link
  4. 71519 Lashes to Thine Backside Link
  5. Filler (type O-Positive) Link
  7. Keith and Billo Fight to the Death set to private
  10. The Doctor Annoys Himself Link
  11. 100th Video - Robotnik Has Phone Sex With Rick Astley Link
  12. Re: this video will be featured in some ones video XD Link
  13. Robotnik Makes Some Suggestions Link
  15. ASilentButDeadlySkeptic Link
  16. Azumanga Daiohfuckit Link
  17. Chiyo-Chan's Not Good at Cock Link
  18. Coughlan666 Prefers the Zelda Series Link
  19. L Gets His 71519th Phone Call of the Day Link
  20. Chiyo the Headbanger Link
  21. Kimura Sweet Kimura Link
  22. Robotnik's Stuck in Fuckin' Chickentown Link
  23. Mike's Gutter Bitch (AKA: The Young Ones Might be The Replacements) Link
  24. DA BESTEST POOP EVAR (AKA: Wazzup, Reese's Pieces) Link
  25. (Autopoop) Okinawa is Fucking Terrifying Link
  27. Insert Portal Reference Here Link
  28. Salmonellario Land (Collab Entry) Link
  29. The Cat Goes to the Shooting Gallery Link
  30. Orangi10 Link
  31. No-Satisfaction Promotions (Collab Entry) Link
  32. My Horse is Okay Link
  33. Crazy Anus Lickers Link

Other Information


  • Despite my love for YTPs, music is my first passion. I critique albums, and I have recently started recording. My favorite genres include Post-Punk, New Wave, Classic Punk, Experimental, Noise Rock, and Industrial. Basically I'm a whore for the 70s British underground.
  • With the exception of "Azumanga Daiohfuckit", all of my Azumanga Daioh poops take their title from a joke in the previous Azu poop.
  • All of my Robotnik poops from here-on-out will be titled after a song.


Other Links

  • Music channel on YouTube, includes music for my dad Michael Willoughby Link
  • Download my music Link