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[[Image:Tumblr_l1ypgmaY4q1qbq82no1_500.jpg‎|thumb"right|Stu is making chocolate pudding, and everyone is in worry.]]
[[Image:Tumblr_l1ypgmaY4q1qbq82no1_500.jpg‎|thumb|right|Stu is making chocolate pudding, and everyone is in worry.]]
{{VidCaption|1vs55Z7t7bk|The video that started it all.}}
{{VidCaption|1vs55Z7t7bk|The video that started it all.}}

Revision as of 17:12, 18 July 2010

Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Stu is making chocolate pudding, and everyone is in worry.
{{#ev:youtube|1vs55Z7t7bk|320}}The video that started it all.

Stu Pickles is a character from the popular TV show Rugrats. He is the wife of Didi and the father of Chucky.

His duty in life, first and foremost, is to make chocolate pudding. He usually does so at 4 AM.

Oh, and he has also lost control of his life.