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Revision as of 08:55, 4 April 2009

Name: The Simpsons
Country of Origin: USA
Type of Source: TV Series
Created By: Twentieth Century Fox
Year Created: 1989

MediaNice.jpg This article is about a Media Source, which is remixed to create a YouTube Poop.


The Simpsons is known as the longest lasting animated sitcom on television to this day. It was originally a short series of thirty seconds to one minutes cartoons on the variety program "The Tracey Ullman Show." Not really the best known source used in YouTube Poop, since copyright laws have taken down a majority of videos out on the internet, but there are still few out there, both old and young.

Unfortunately, the Simpsons in 1996 make a canceling, to make room for "A-Team" marathon.

Media Infomation

TV Show


With emphasis given to those seen in Youtube Poops

  • Homer Simpson
  • Marge Simpson
  • Bart Simpson
  • Lisa Simpson
  • Maggie Simpson

Episodes etc


First Used in a Poop by



Often Used by

Sometimes Used by

  • AmiralMachin

Disliked by

Further information

Main Source for Poopers

Other External Links