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Latest revision as of 18:59, 18 January 2012

NicePooper.jpg This article is about a creator of YouTube Poop videos, known as a Youtube Pooper.

In brief[edit]


He discovered yotube poop on a random search. He made is account in May 03, 2009 and made his first video a day later and later on stating making more every two weeks until he had a pooper's block in September of 2009 until June of 2010 when he was back making more poops but only monthly or bimonthly. today he is working on a new youtube poop.

First poop seen[edit]


First poop made[edit]

fred's final days (worst day ever)


his style are usually with video from ohter youtubers such as, Shane Dawson, Fred, Makemebad35, shomoyoho, and others. He also like using other styles just to change it up.

Preferred Sources[edit]

Preferred Software[edit]

Sony Vegas 7.0 (currently using for video editing)
Window movie maker (discontinue)
Audacity (audio edit use in certain cases)
GIMP (image editing)
Mspaint (for quick fixes)
Real player (to download videos from youtube and other sites and convert video, audio and flash video)
Windows media player (to preview the video)


  • video games (all systems)
  • watch youtube videos and youtube poop videos
  • smoking hookah
  • listen to music(metal and Dubstep)
  • Furry fandom


  • Mean people
  • Most pop music
  • cigarettes (fags)
  • My Real last name that Starts with a H


  • some poopers don't like his style of poop videos because of over using clips from shane dawson's, fred's, and other youtuber's videos.




yootubepoop (account terminated)


fan page made by the name seth
"greatest mosh pit ever!" made by: tokorev747777 That video was inspired by y0utubepoopgreg's video: The angry WOW nerd (the greatest freakout with shananay in the closet)

top 5 poop highest viewed videos in y0utubepoopgreg's channel[edit]

1.The angry WOW nerd (the greatest freakout with shananay in the closet)
2.fred's final days (worst day ever)
3.Shane Dawson masterbates to random porn (his 2nd porno flick)
4.dying youtubers by the DEATH NOTE (join the SHANE DAWSON'S ARMY)
5.Unnecessary Censorship: bed intruder song (shomoyoho's autotune remix)


Other Links[edit]

Myspace page
facebook page