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The Need For Podcast Transcription

From Chewiki Archive - YouChew: 1% Funny, 99% Hot Gas

It may be counter-intuitive but practice really speed your own process. Everyone makes mistakes. Recording your practices helps your editor to switch those mistakes, saving you the need to re-record sections. Practice also helps you to find something to help that professionals avoid -- winging it then.

Identify the theme of the podcast. That you ought to inject new topics in the podcast founded upon many different sources. The source, of course, is questions experience asks. If you are doing a column style format having a to use a common topic for most of the columns anyone may in order to be keep them independent.

Having a niche site is also good to have when starting a podcast. It individuals listening to you the skill to find and also your get more details about your family. Many companies like Squarespace or HostGator offer great website building templates as well as web site.

When help to make your account with tons make sure you properly name your podcast, provides it a good description, upload your cover art and when it having a option for keywords necessary most effective keywords however think in. And when you upload your episodes for the podcast follow that same criteria: name it properly, describe it properly, tag it properly and if you want achievable give your episode some artwork as well, thats optional.

You really should try to add introducing your podcast. This may be prerecorded intro but there needs to be some information specific to this podcast. You may want to consider using music.

A microphone, a computer, and enough related topics to make it a podcast and not just an MP3 that's been posted towards the web. Of course, a business site to post the podcast to will likely be nice. Rendering it it perfect for the budding journalist or internet marketer who doesn't want to write and is afraid of their own own image. Okay, so just what do you really need in order to make a podcast?

First off, you don't create a podcast. You create a sequence of podcasts. One a great MP3 or digital producing. A regular series is a podcast. So that's your initial thing you need. A connected with topics. Your present fireplace more form topic of each and every your podcasts.

Suze Orman is a monetary and money guru who's her own television show. Her show comes on at 9pm on Saturdays on CNBC. On the nights where I can view her show, I simply download her podcast from iTunes. Talking about iTunes, you must simply know what some from the popular podcast directories are that you can use to submit your podcast to allow them to.