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User talk:Misselaineous

From Chewiki Archive - YouChew: 1% Funny, 99% Hot Gas

I marked this page as patrollled - I'm not sure what that means but i've not seen that option before so I thought I'd give it try

Misselaineous10: If anyone edits my page with weird stuff, I'll be pretty pissed. Also, no spam please.

She gave me a strike on youchew for making an alt, even though it was NESfanboi trying to piss off the forum one last time. She tends to be the mod that loves to give out strikes, even when not necessary. She won't listen to you in turn when you try to explain something to her and says "yeah, sure". I have evidence to prove I could not have made the alt and she will indeed go "no, you did it, you get the strike, DO YOU WANT ANOTHER ONE?".