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Star Trek

From Chewiki Archive - YouChew: 1% Funny, 99% Hot Gas
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Star Trek is a decent show made by Gene Roddenberry. Although it's pretty enjoyable, it gets a bad name from raging Star Trek fans who go to conventions and completely overhaul. More proof that too much of a good thing is a bad thing.

Media information

Science Fiction television show. There are also quite a few movies.


1st Generation

  • Kirk-The Captain.
  • Spock-The emotionless Vulcan.
  • Scottie-The engineer with a scottish accent.
  • McCoy-The doctor who claims that he is nothing else. (I'm a doctor, not a magician!)
  • Uhura-The black female luitenant. Also one of the first black women to star in a series.
  • Chekov-The guy with a Russian accent (Is it Russian? I'm not really sure...)

2nd Generation

  • Picard-The other Captain.
  • Riker-First officer.
  • Geordi-The blind guy with the cool headgear.
  • Worf-The Klingon who talks about honor all the time.
  • Crusher-The head doctor who ends up marrying and divorcing Picard.
  • Troi-The annoying counselor who thinks that she's always right.
  • Data-The android that wants to be a human. Basically futuristic Pinocchio.
  • Wesley-Crusher's son that wants to be an engineer or something.

Liked by

  • Nerds
  • Some people

Disliked by

  • Other people

Used by

Other information

  • Some people will think you're a nerd if you like it.
  • Occasionally, it's REALLY corny.