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Conrad Slater

From Chewiki Archive - YouChew: 1% Funny, 99% Hot Gas
Revision as of 07:16, 22 August 2007 by Conradslater (talk | contribs)
NicePooper.jpg This article is about a creator of YouTube Poop videos, known as a Youtube Pooper.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Conrad Slater's contempt


First poop seen

The Dalek Emperor Toasts the Universe by Pikawil

After seeing that I wrote to him and then discovr the name YouTube Poop. I did a google search and found that an old online friend TimDrage had made some himself and he and his friends had also writtten about them. After a little more serching I realised that there was a quite a few people making them yet no one had thought to opena website or even buy the domain name. Everyone I spoke to seemed to treat it like some overnight meme, yet the videos seemed to date back a couple of years. After attempting to make a poop myslef my sense of inadequacy motivated me to instead chart the progress of this the genre and champion it online as art movement rather than a mere fad. These days the emphasis has moved to keeping the site alive and finding time to manage it all.

First poop made

You weren't there at the beginning (of YouTube Poop)


Preferred Sources

Preferred Methods

  • Stutter Loop plus
  • Rape Rave
  • Ear Rape
  • Stare Down
  • Virus
  • Tennis


  • Cd-i although I don't mind a bit of Hotel Mario
  • Noobs who think that because they've made 2 cd-i poops, that the own this site
  • Alphalove


  • Often relies upon meta jokes, refering to Youtube Poop within the poop itself
  • Surprising low viewer stats, which indicates not only his failings as a poop maker but also at self promotion
  • Often spends more than the recommended time making a poop. This has improved lately but the first few would take him several days to complete.


  • Known by some as the George Lucas of Poop, due to his fetish for ridiculously complex and needless special effects. This was most clearly demonstrated in Battlefield Poop 90210].
  • Has more recently spend consider time promoting the adoption of Poop Tennis as a method of solving creative block.



Other Information

  • Built this site and works tirelessly to make it bigger and better
  • Has issues with self control
  • Is currently unemployed and living with his parents (ha ha)


Other Links