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From Chewiki Archive - YouChew: 1% Funny, 99% Hot Gas
Revision as of 16:22, 15 February 2009 by Hamhaxx (talk | contribs)
NicePooper.jpg This article is about a creator of YouTube Poop videos, known as a Youtube Pooper.

Straight up, nigga.

                                   Not Hamhaxx

In brief

A fan of poops since 2007, Hamhaxx is no stranger to the world of Youtube Poop. He has recently started his own channel where he has been uploading poops since September of 2008, with his first poop, "Logs." He currently has 19 videos and has done one tennis match.


Searching for a PSP commercial, Hamhaxx came upon a video entitled "CLUSTER BOMBS!" by elmullet. Thinking he had found what he was looking for, he clicked on the link, but was instead greeted with his first Youtube Poop. Curious, he decided to lurk moar and found the video "Hotel Mario: UCTIONS!" by elmullet as well. Being that Hotel Mario was CD-i, he found himself stuck in a world of dinner and triforces of courage, not to mention lotsa spaghetti.

His favorite pooper early on became Deepercutt, and was fascinated by Youtube poop: The Most Epic Card Game Ever, he had not laughed so hard in ages. Eventually he became fans of generic poopers, most especially KroboProductions (who remains his favorite pooper 'til this day.) However, his thirst (or hunger?) for poop was unquenchable, and he eventually began to enjoy all sorts of poops, full of stutters, ear rape, and a multitude of different effects.

Eager to create his own, he started making poops on September 29, 2008 with Youtube Poop: Logs. Though not very popular, it was a decent first effort and from there he has only been improving, finding new ways to add humor to his poops.

First poop seen


First poop made

Youtube Poop: Logs



Preferred Sources

  • Television Programs
  • Any random video I feel like pooping

Preferred Methods

  • Sentence Mixing
  • Stutter Loops
  • Stare Downs
  • YTPMVs

Preferred Tech

I've only used iMovie for most projects, with some effects done on Final Cut Pro. I hope to get Vegas or After Effects once I buy my own laptop.




As of February 13, 2009, Hamhaxx has 68 subscribers with his most viewed video being "Youtube Poop: Is The Price Right?" which has about 3,000 views.


  • (Self Confessed): I often find things wrong with my videos once I'm done uploading them, or things I could have done better.


  • Not many notable achievements as of now. Most popular poop only has 3,000 views.
  • Started the "______ is a forced fad" fad, so to say, which only has 12 responses at the moment.


In Real Life



  • TheftOfChocolate


  • KroboProductions
  • Deepercutt (His earlier work)



Poop Listing


  • Youtube Poop: Logs
  • Youtube Poop: Strokes That Aren't Similar to Eachother
  • Youtube Poop: John McCain has a Speech Impediment
  • Youtube Poop: Cheesus Christ
  • Youtube Poop: Is The Price Right?
  • Krobalruscutt's Bastard Child
  • Billy's Quest
  • jizzonmyfeetyou
  • Youtube Poop Short: Faggots Screaming
  • Youtube Poop: John Goodman's Sensual Christmas
  • VenomFaggot
  • Youtube Poop Tennis: My Elbow Can Travel Through Time
  • Final Kyle
  • YTPT: The Elbow Can't Take it Anymore
  • Tairy Greene is a Forced Fad (plz respodn olo)
  • Youtube Poop: John McCain is Having an Affair with Keith Olbermann
  • He Kicked Him in the Top Gear

Other Information

I am currently making poops on a borrowed computer, but I hope to buy my own in June. By then, I expect to make poops much more frequently and hope to have much better editing software.


  • He lives in Nebraska
  • He's 17 and is a Senior in High School



Image at the top is not me.