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From Chewiki Archive - YouChew: 1% Funny, 99% Hot Gas
Revision as of 13:48, 25 December 2008 by Robochao (talk | contribs) (→‎In brief)
NicePooper.jpg This article is about a creator of YouTube Poop videos, known as a Youtube Pooper.

this person has no picture

In brief

Probably one of the coolest motherfuckers on YCP right now.


Ampithecat discovered Youtube Poop back in August 2007 when he was watching some CD-i cutscenes out of boredom. He thought it was the funniest thing he's ever seen, and was soon exposed to poop memes like Mama Luigi and Over 9000. For a while, he thought it was funny, but soon got sick of the low quality CD-i poops that seemed to be extremely abundant.

He eventually discovered WalrusGuy's Mario And Luigi Travel Through Time, and finally laughed as hard as he did when he watched his first poop. He wanted to try this out for himself, but his first poop was a miserable failure. After a while, he gave it another shot, this time making King Harkinan saying "I shit in the morning" over and over again as a response to the THIS VIDEO WILL BE FLAGGED fad. From the few people who watched it, they thought it was pretty funny, and decided to move on to making simple Youtube Poop shorts that only lasted around thirty seconds. He made his first full poop called The Year is 9001! which was a poop of Mutant Rampage: Body Slam, and people thought it was funny, and he continued to make some more.

After a while, he got tired of seeing ear rape and repetition poops, and found out about the War on AIDS, which ended 7 months ago at this time. He made a video mocking ear rape and repetiton poops, which ironically was considered to be fairly good for WMM standards called ZOMG: I POOPED TRANSMOGRIFIERS!!!1121@@22!!. In its description he wrote a long bullshit essay on why YouChewPoop was a Spawn of Satan, and was flamed by several YCP members including Zacheatscrackers, RobochaoXX, and AbsoluteBillion, which are all ironically friends with him now. Ampi didn't know about this because he was on a trip for five days to Washington DC and New York City. When he came back, he found his page was full of spam and flaming. Because it was all saying "AIDS IS DEAD" and "YCP ISN'T ELITIST, YOU FUCKHEAD" he decided to give YCP another chance. After lurking for a while, he made an account and explained his situation. Most people found it to be just a gross misunderstanding of the community, and started to accept him, except for RobochaoXX, which after he learned that he was gone for five days, and not drooling for five days, accepted him too.

He soon got access to a Vegas 5 torrent thanks to King Cornholio and started learning how to make the standard ear rape and repetition poops, which at this time, he quickly grew to accept and embrace. After learning some tecniques, he decided to play his first tennis match against GorillaCrap35, and learned a lot of tecniques during the game. Though tennis wasn't exactly his thing, he wants to play some more in the near future.

Ampithecat still likes to stay to his roots of CD-i and sentence mixing, so he stated that he will always like Flash Poops and sentence mixing over ear rape and repetition, even though he likes them all. He wrote this on his Youtube Page:

"And yes, I DO prefer Flash and Sentence Mixing Poops over the standard Vegas (ear rape) poop.

PoopSwedishGuy > IAmTheGang > Deepercutt > WalrusGuy > MTB710

That's pretty the order of pooping styles I like most. I just used those people as examples. Don't agree with me? I don't really give a shit."

What he said seemed to bring up some controversy, but most people accepted the fact that he likes to stay true to his roots. He says that he's going to make some more WMM style sentence mixing poops, though he's currently suffering from Pooper's Block, so that's put on hold.

First poop seen

GANON HATES GRATING CHEESE by MrSimonAlt/electricthecheese

First poop made

Link and the King cause 9/11 (Part one)

The original was removed to extremely poor reviews, and was eventually lost forever as he got a new computer, but he recreated it and uploaded it using almost exactly the same jokes and voice over clips.

[Viewed here.]


He now makes traditional poops, but still wants to make WMM sentence mixing poops.

Preferred Sources

He doesn't really stick to some sources, but he usually likes to poop things he hates, as part of the fun for him in pooping something is insulting something he hates. Though some people take pooping something as a compliment.

Prefered Tech

Vegas for most of his stuff now, as it's better than WMM in every way, except for rendering times, so he uses WMM for simple projects that only take a few minutes to complete.


  • Memes like Sparta, Mama Luigi, and WTF BOOM.


As of now, he has 64 subscribers, and he appears to be well liked by most of the people he knows at YCP.


  • Ampithecat is sometimes considered a Drama Queen, but is currently trying to avoid the Poop Drama forum at all costs.
  • He is critisized for liking WalrusGuy's and CraaazyCat13's work, even though there's no reason anyone should dislike him for that.
  • People commonly mistake him for a fanboy because he's strongly against Poop Stealing as he believes that it's just plain stupid. He views the Youtube Poop food chain like this:

Poopers > Fans > Casual Viewers > Fanboys > Poop Stealers > People who bitch about it > People who support it.

He doesn't really bitch about it though, he only does when it's brought up by another person.

  • He considers a lot of his subscribers to be WalrusGuy fanboys who subscribed to him because he uploaded Ratatoing.


  • He was the first person to get a Ratatoing DVD and upload it to Youtube, thus being praised by WalrusGuy and WalrusGuy fanboys. He finds it annoying that Ratatoing (Part 1) is his most viewed video with currently around 4K views. With his second most viewed video: My Reaction to Sony's E3 Press Conference with around 2.5K views.
  • He was significantly praised by Youtube Poop viewers he knows in real life as he has managed to talk to the Poop Titans like Deepercutt and WalrusGuy, though he considers it to be blatant fanboyism, as it's already easy to talk to them in the first place.
  • Currently, he is the most popular person he knows in real life on the Internet, with one of his friends coming in second place by only having around 6 subscribers he knew beforehand.

In Real Life

None really, as he doesn't know anybody in real life who makes poops.


  • WalrusGuy
  • Deepercutt
  • MTB710
  • PoopSwedishGuy
  • JeffLindbom
  • Zacheatscrackers
  • Domorato

...among others that he probably forgot about.


Most of his fans are WalrusGuy fanboys who are praising and subscribing to him because he uploaded Ratatoing.

Other Information

He considers his increasing suckcess to be somewhat of a surprise, as he isn't really popular among people he knows in real life.


  • He actively plays RuneScape, though doesn't really care what other people think about the game.
  • In real life, he likes to annoy and confuse people by using overused AIDS quotes like "You Want It?" "Squadalah!" and "Dinner."
  • Commonly whines on the forums
