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From Chewiki Archive - YouChew: 1% Funny, 99% Hot Gas
Revision as of 14:15, 4 November 2008 by Supertoxicsrb2 (talk | contribs)

- In brief: A Annoying forum member and bad pooper - History: Found a CD-I poop while searching through gameplay videos. Watched alot of them and eventually after boredom typed in and found conrads site. He then joined the forums for about a week and left. He came back at the new era of the forums. - First poop seen: Who knows

- First poop made: Youtube Poop: Attack Of Luigi And Link! Which is terrifyingly bad

- Style: Raep and occasional sentence mixing Preferred Sources: AOSTH - easy to mix sentences And other stuff he cant be bothered to write down Preferred Methods Studder loops LOOOOOOOOOOUD noise

- Prefered Tech: Sony Vegas Adobe Premier ( Which he barely uses )

- Dislikes: CD-I

- Reception: He sucks

- Criticism: Hated - Achievements: None. He hasnt even gotten 50 subscribers yet. The fag.

- Associates: Thezergslaya Blazephlozard

- In Real Life: A sexy beast

- Influences: Deepercutt Stegblob

- Fans: None. He sux

- Trivia: Owns about 9 million different forums

- Links: -Regular account: -Trap account: