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From Chewiki Archive - YouChew:
1% Funny, 99% Hot Gas

Misty Misty is a feisty 11-12 year old girl from Cerulean City who has a fetish for water pokemon and her own bike. She enjoys stalking a 10 year old boy named Ash because he stole and destroyed her bike. She frightened by bug pokemon or any insect in particular. She was also thought to have gotten AIDS from a her own Psyduck. The identity of her Parents are unknown but it's been rumored that Her father is George The Volcano.
- Bitching about her bike.
- Stalking Ash
- Punching kicking or slapping people.
- French things
- Feeling smart
- George The Volcano
- Bugs
- All AIDS File:Copy of Eh.JPGMisty gives the bird.
- Ash
- Her Psyduck
- Everything (When acting emo)
- Carrots
- Peppers
- Purple hair
- Being Molested
- According to her sisters he's a bitch.
- She's an expert in letter forging.
- No one really like her.
- Was killed by Broly.
- Participated in a swimsuit contest with her Pokemon, Ekans and Koffing.
- Nigga stole my bike! (This happened when an African took her bike, three minutes ago)
- This is totally embarrassing and degrading but we need the money!