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Tyrannosaurus Alan
From Chewiki Archive - YouChew:
1% Funny, 99% Hot Gas

Tyrannosaurus Alan is one of George Volcano's closest friends.
Often annoyed by George The Volcano's rants about Volvic Products, Alan is a loyal friend to George and a good listener. He is also known to try Volvic Products upon being advertised. He seems to have a grudge against sabertooth tigers and enjoys working in a business type atmosphere. Alan seems to be much more capable and intelligent as opposed to George and enjoys correcting him.
Fun Facts
- He eats parents for breakfeast
- He likes the work of the Jackson 5
- He likes to annoy George Volcano
- Like George, he is a pervert
- "Your Birds?"
- "I've only got a brain the size of a pea!"
- "You can't say that!"
- "I'm off to eat someone's parents!"
- "Ayee?"
- "C'mon, world! I'm Tyrannosaurus Alan and I'll have you for breakfast! RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWR!"