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From Chewiki Archive - YouChew: 1% Funny, 99% Hot Gas
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NicePooper.jpg This article is about a creator of YouTube Poop videos, known as a Youtube Pooper.
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The account(s) SiNN3D_tragedy has/have been suspended from YouTube for crimes against copyright, but got unsuspended later. YouTube Poop salutes you!

Not sure how I'll begin... but... hello!



I am a YouTube Pooper. A revamper of digital media in an attempt to make it more comedic or stupid. Most people reading right now, though, probably already know that. I will go ahead and tell you about how I came to be as this.


I made my YouTube account in 2010, although I already knew about YouTube a year and a half before that. I used to play a very addicting MMO game, which is way behind me now, and I really wanted to make videos of me playing that game, since people were beginning to do just that. A good friend of mine showed me how I could make a YouTube account and record/edit/upload a video, and keep in mind I was using... wait for it... Windows Crappy Maker!

Getting a New Program

And so... there was a very long span of me making videos of that game and showing how gradually better I got at it. And around August 2010, I got Vegas Movie Studio, and then I started learning how to use it. It felt complicated at first, but after I watched some basic tutorial videos, I had it down. It felt like I was meant to use it. I eventually made my first video with it during mid-August, and it really looked horrible. Why? Because I was abusing the zoom effect and it took away from the enjoyment of the video. Then, I learned to stop doing that and soon enough, I began to grow on the program. I switched to Vegas Pro 9 around November or December of the same year. And all throughout 2011, I was just puffing out videos every week. Now, I made an alt account during that same year, EDSolsticeKeeper98.

YTP Ideas

Here's where my YTP ideas started flowing in. April 17, 2010 was the day I made my account, and April 17 of 2011 was nearing, so I thought, "I should try something different for a special video on my one-year anniversary!" Now, I already discovered YTP late of 2010, and I really got hooked on it. You know how BarneyIsPerverted started making videos around January of 2011? Well, that just added to my wonder. I didn't really want to make YTPs just yet because I was afraid I would fail and not make a good one, and I thought everybody would have too high expectations for me to actually be "good". So, for my anniversary special, I decided to make a video with the game I still liked to play, BUT using YTP audio. And that audio was part of SuperSaiyan7171's "Squidward Quits His Joj". The game had a chat system, so basically, I typed in what the audio said to make it look like the characters were speaking hilarious dialogue. I got some good reception... oh and by the way... it was called "Xtreme Steals Something". "Xtreme" was the nickname of a very good friend of mine. I continued to make my same old game-play videos along with a mix of more of these comedy-type videos. Late of 2011, I began to grow bored of the game because suddenly, every item the creators released for it were too overpowered enough for you to lose any battle you got into with the person who had it. I really got fed up with it because you had to PAY for these items. I decided paying to win really wasn't worth it. So, I slowly got out of the game, making less and less videos about it. I finally made my last game-play video on the Sinnedtragedy98 YouTube channel around February 2012. And that's when I made my first REAL YTP.

First YTP Attempts

I skipped over the part where I "attempted" to make a YTP in 2011. I tried making one in May 2011, and another two in July/August. And they were all failed attempts at SpongeBob poops. The first attempt, "SpongeBob Blows Bubbles", was about 3 minutes long, BUT let me tell you. The masking sucked, the effects sucked, there weren't even any funny jokes. All it was was random pitch shifting, volume control, and repeating frames with a different effect each time. I trashed it... I felt so bad that I even tried. Then, I randomly got an idea during my summer vacation for a scene in the episode, "Rock-a-bye Bivalve", where SpongeBob confronts Patrick at his "job". It was called "Springbounce Shifts into Overtime Mode", and it was my first attempt at making a sex joke, where the ice cream spilled all over Patrick looked like "something else", if you know what I mean. It was only 46 seconds, but it showed I had better masking. I even threw in some sentence-mixing, but it wasn't mine, truthfully. Jurg62, when he wasn't dead at the time, found it and told me it was good for a first try. I felt great about this positive review. Totodile493 was making the very first SpongeBob collab at this time as well, but I couldn't enter this YTP because you had to use "Krusty Towers", "Krabs a La Mode", or "Where's Gary?" So, I told him I wanted to enter. I got in, and I worked hard to finish before the deadline. I failed. So, it didn't get entered OR uploaded. It was called "Spungebib and Skidwerd Witness a Krab Commit Suicide". Stupid title, I know. All of these three projects are now lost forever.

Getting Started

Back to February, 2012. A friend of mine that introduced me to YTP in the first place wanted me to make a YTP of one of the "Meet the Class" videos from Valve's Team Fortress 2. I told him I didn't know if that was a good idea since I wasn't great at pooping, but I went ahead and did it anyway. I made a YTP of "Meet the Sniper" and called it "Meet the Camper". And obviously, it wasn't that good, so ... later onto my pooping career, I eventually deleted it along with all my game-play videos. Then, I made my last game-YTP audio mash-up videos, and I made it for Valentine's Day. The audio was from BarneyIsPerverted's YTP, "Spingebill's Awkward Love Affair". Barney found it somehow and told me I should try more YTP'ing because I had his kinds of effects down, apparently. So, that got me thinking. A little less than a week later, I made my first successful YTP of SpongeBob on February 20. I sent it to Barney and he liked it, so that's where I got started. I made a little short video about a week later, but it really didn't get good reception. I still have it on my hard-drive, but I will never upload it again. If you're wondering, it was a YTP of Portal 2's "Want You Gone", but it used too much of other pooper's content in the jokes I used. On March 8, I uploaded my 2nd SpongeBob YTP, which showed major clean-up and improvement from my first SB YTP. It got better ratings and I did my own sentence-mixing. I took up frame-pitch up and down shift along with effects on the visuals. I continued to do successfully, but little did I know I'd be getting into some serious hell when I got more popular.

Gaining Popularity and Haters

At June 30, I released my 800 subscriber special. As you can tell, I was getting better with my jokes and effects. But, increased popularity does come with a price. You get more haters. Especially one that sticks with you for a long time. His name? iHATEiPods4321. This guy, man, this guy, will go down in the YTP community as one of the most annoying, abundant, relentless troll anybody has ever seen. And his main line? "ur gay". Yup, that's it. And he's created many... I would say like 20-30 YouTube accounts JUST to troll us. Some YouTube account names are made to mock YouTube Poopers, like mine: "Sinnedfaggedy98". He's tried to pose as other poopers as well, even radicalfaith360. But he wasn't fooling anybody. Eventually, he FINALLY started going away, but during his time, he drew a lot of attention of the poopers, and he even got supporters. That's right, he had idiotic no-lives backing his cause up, which he really had no valid reason for. And yes, it is mainly my fault for bringing him into the community. The first time he came into here, I responded in a way that probably made him want to do this to other people, and again to me... never ending torturous comments just to annoy me. Around September/October, some people were trying to shut down SpongeBob poopers and their videos, and it was right around this moment that I had almost 2,000 subscribers. Well, their threats sounded menacing, but they never happened.

Annoying Criticism

I'm going to tell you now about another guy who really shook up my average YouTube surfing and comment-response. This guy was named TheCriticOfYTP and he showed up around early/mid-October. And what did he do to earn a paragraph on this article? Well, he openly criticized almost all of my poops in the most horrible way possible that he could, saying that I stole things from other poopers and that I'm too unoriginal to deserve the subscribers I gained. I did my best to prove him wrong... and I know I had better points against him than he had against me. We disputed for about a week or two, and he kept trying to prove how my editing skills sucked compared to his because I kept telling him he had no right to judge me if you don't have any evidence you know how to edit a poop. So... the problem with his "proven points" was that he was judging an older video of mine, and not one of my newer ones, so as to speak... I got a lot better editing since then. So... his point was basically destroyed there... but he didn't want to believe it. I told him I was going to be making a totally original YTP, posted on October 20 and based on Slenderman. I did insult him by sentence-mixing his name in the YTP and saying that nobody likes him. Apparently he gets butthurt easily, too. After another week of pointless arguing... I finally told him I was done arguing, and that he is no real critic if he's going to be like that. He didn't believe I would just go away... but guess what. I did, ignored him, and released a new YTP on November 14.


What I Prefer

This section is about what I like to use when I make my YouTube Poops.

Preferred YTP Styles

  • Sentence-mixing
  • Heavy-editing
  • Color effects
  • Stutter loop
  • Loud Noises
  • Masking
  • Sex jokes (weeeelll, not as much as I used to)
  • G-Major (meh)
  • Vibrato
  • Image edits
  • Pitch shift

Preferred Sources

  • SpongeBob SquarePants
  • Documentaries
  • Regular Show
  • Ed Edd 'n Eddy
  • Various popular YouTube videos that already have a form of comedy
Preferred Software
  • Sony Vegas Pro 12
  • Audacity 1.3 Beta (Unicode)
  • FL Studio
  • HyperCam 2.0
  • Adobe After Effects CC


  • SantaWithTeeth/SantaWithGuns/Kortez3000
  • BarneyIsPerverted
  • Jurg62
  • LinkOnDrugs
  • PotatoShitz
  • AwfulFawfultheFalafle
  • Hurricoaster
  • cs188
  • SporeDotCam
  • MasterOfZoroark


  • Over 15000 subscribers
  • Over 4,000,000 video views
  • Picked in KevinTAckerman's Top 10 Monthly poops 3 times (May, July, December)
  • A lot of my influences have subscribed to me


November, Christmas, Afterwards

I had made a YTP of Ed Edd 'n Eddy, as an attempt to make use of different sources, I brought back my heavy visual style and did something called "shadow-animation". It wasn't perfect, but it looked alright. I don't think most people liked what I was going for, so I thought throughout November and December about a new SpongeBob video with a newer style that would appeal to more people. Around 2 weeks before Christmas, I finally thought of what I was going for. I began my SpongeBob Christmas special, started it on December 20, then finished and uploaded it December 27, only two days late. It got a lot better ratings than I thought it would. It helped me get 3,000 subscribers! I guess it's time to start thinking about a 3K sub special in the future. So now, I'm sticking with that new style. It currently has over 10,000 views already, as of January 5, 2013.

Update! (April 7, 2013)

I have not gotten to update this article for 3 months now, but today, I'm finally getting around to it. A lot of things have happened in the time span since January 5th. I had just been biding my time in the rest of January seeing how my Christmas video was doing, answering comments, normal YouTube things. That's when I decided to start a new video for AwfulFawfultheFalafe's collab. I spent a week working on and off until something frustrating happened. As usual, Sony Vegas did what it does best: crash. I was at 46 seconds and I was lucky I saved it, but soon, my computer started acting up. It appeared to be low on memory, so then it REALLY didn't work. Unfortunately, Vegas crashed so much, somehow it screwed up my project. I did quite a bit of editing in 46 seconds, so I really didn't feel like starting over. I decided to wait it out a couple of weeks until February 15th, when I downloaded a new episode of SpongeBob, Krusty Krab Training Video, and began to work on it. This project's name went from "Spingebill Learns of Krabby Krust History" to "SpingleBlab Gets a Horrible New Job". In the first 40 seconds, I literally almost trashed it. I was right not to. In the end, I finished it at the tip of March. It ended up being 7 minutes because I nearly pooped the entire episode. On March 1, I tried to upload it and was smacked square in the face by Viacom. I tried uploading it again, with no luck. Fortunately, BarneyIsPerverted helped with my Viacom problem. I had flipped most of the video to avoid copyright, but even that didn't do much good. I got fed up and disputed a claim, and it was released to all on March 2. To this day, Viacom has still not figured it out yet. This video, as absurd as it may sound, achieved some nice milestones. So far, it has reached 50K views, and remains constantly viewed. Most people praise the funny ending. Another amazing thing this video has achieved is that when you search "ytp" on YouTube, the video comes up first. I for one, find that really awesome. Moving on to future projects: I am working on an entry for a collab, and then probably another short filler. I'm close to reaching 5,000 subs, less than 200 away. The sub specials throw me off the most because I have a hard time workjng in bulk hours on them, seeing as I have a lot to complete. The planned sub special will be a dramatic storyline YTP, and it's going to be about how a pirate crew betrays their captain by not being faithful. The captain does not take this lightly, though... and will go to extremes to end it all. And before anyone asks, yes, it is SpongeBob. That's all I seem to have right now, and I will make sure to get back to this more often.

July 27, 2013

Hello again. After another 3-month period of time, things have been going swell. "SpingleBlab Gets a Horrible New Job" has passed 350K views, I am close to 8,000 subscribers now, and I had released a lesser video for the Third Simplicity Collab on June 7. Right now, I am working on another SpongeBob video, possibly becoming my best work so far.

Where the Hell Have You Been, You Fucknugget? (November 3, 2014)

Good question. I've been busy with life. But, fortunately, I actually have something nearly finished for once. Things are pretty mellow on this channel; half of everyone's forgotten who I am. But that's okay. I'm slowly getting back into the game. Slowly.

This article has been written pretty childishly, now that I look back on it. I described in meticulous detail how I got to where I am, and what I've dealt with. But now, I realize just how much I probably should have kept unbiased about the entire situation. But that's fine. I'll upload what I've got eventually, and tough things out from there.