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Before you read this, know that none of this is biased! its all 100% true
In Brief
Orpheusftw is a rising pooper who's content mainly consists of KOTH and might have started a new way to set up [collab]]s by not posting a video and waiting for responses but instead finding poopers he felt worthy and sending them an invitation to join it. he then sorts out and cuts out as much matériel he feels necessary giving the collab the best of what the contestants have to offer and almost giving it a plot to go along with the scenes done to sort of follow each scene as if it where 1 long poop.
Hell if i know, in fact he didnt wanna tell me all his info for a wiki article because he doesent like attention and is anti social. But when you make quite possibly the greatest collab ever reaching over 70,000 views, yer getting attention if ya like it or not.
1'st poop seen
i dunno
First poop made or as far as i know if he didnt delete it yet
Hank steals those big feet
First YTPMV made
Hank Hill loses it - sparta remix quite possibly the greatest sparta remix ever made
Masking and i'll tell ya hwahat its some fine ass maskin' i mean holy shit dude go check it out
Slight image editing
WTF moments
Short but insanely awesome YTPMV's
in moderation sex jokes
and much moar to come
Preferred sources
He likes to mix things up has an abundance of KOTH and a 5 part mini series going on called The Misadventures Of Skooks
Most likely vegas 8 or up and maby some photoshop here and there
either that or he has some hardcore shit like after effects or sumptin'
Greatest pooper ever by Cjflo, now thats takes talent.
Spawned a new form of poop
ok if you're gunna criticize this guy you need to stay away from youtube poop all together
i dunno
Phun Phacks
Doesn't consider himself a pooper
Believes theres moar poopers out there who are better than him
Doesn't show his subscriber count
is anti social