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Revision as of 02:57, 20 August 2007 by David315842 (talk | contribs) (New page: {{media}} Image:Sinutab Box.jpg Sinutab is a sinus gongestion and headache relief pill sold nationwide, however the version from the UK is the most reconisible due to the fact it has ...)
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Sinutab Box.jpg

Sinutab is a sinus gongestion and headache relief pill sold nationwide, however the version from the UK is the most reconisible due to the fact it has 'The Sinutab Face Of Death' on the box. It was known for it's scary adverts back in the 1980's. An attempt to re-vamp the produce began in late 1994 with the introduction of Sinutab Night Time a produce made to cue sinus congestion and headache at night. The produce though was just the same as Sinutab so the product was discontinued. The face of death is still being used on Sinutab boxes today. The face is also used on Sinutab boxes in other countries like New Zealand where it was used for a cold and flu pill.