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From Chewiki Archive - YouChew: 1% Funny, 99% Hot Gas
Revision as of 08:28, 21 February 2008 by KTAH (talk | contribs) (→‎Dislikes)


Error creating thumbnail: File missing
KTAH's Second Youtube Pic that could eat the souls of everything you know and love with a pull of the string on its back.


Saw Kajetokun's video "9000!!! NINE THOUSAAAAAAND!!!!" and then came across mr Simon's "We Can Still Monitor His Every Move." Since then he has never been the same since.

First poop seen

We Can Still Monitor His Every Move - mrsimonALT AKA The Electric Cheese

First poop made

Only Link Can Eat Feet For Dinner


Everything that he can do with Windows Movie Maker.

Preferred Sources

Anything, but has used Piccolo's BALLS a helluva lotta times and uses Little Bear sources frequently.

Preferred Methods

Again, whatever he can make with WMM.

Prefered Tech

Doesn't prefer it, but his computer is ass so he uses Windows Movie Maker. However, recently he has been fighting with WMM and is now on a journey (lawl) to get Vegas Video.


  • Chris Crocker and his bitch ass
  • Videogame Console Fanboys
  • Crank Dat Soulja Boy
  • Soulja Boy Tell Em (Somebody Tell Em to shut the fuck up)
  • T-Pain and his blind-parrot ass
  • Shortage of Pepsi
  • Windows Movie Maker
  • Microsoft Windows Vista


Relatively small. His poop "Little Bear Gets Damned Hiccups" is quite popular though.


Still uses AIDs-infected sources occassionally.


  • MahBoyEnzo
  • The Guy Simply Known as "G"

Favorite Poopers

  • The Electric Cheese
  • Deepercutt
  • ELPSteel
  • Nai255 (seriously needs some more recognition this guy is really good!!)
  • Nuthacker
  • Boogidyboo

Favorite Poops

  • Robotnik Gives Sally the AIDS - The Electric Cheese
  • Spelling Bees are Some Serious Shit! =0 - Deepercutt
  • Bibleman Gets Dressed and Confessed - ELPSteel
  • Bananarama - Nai255
  • Hot Cold Soda and Cold Hot Popcorn - Nuthacker

In Real Life

In real life KTAH is a nerd and loser.




  • The Electric Cheese
  • Deepercutt
  • ELPSteel
  • Nai255


  • b00b1ez (not a pooper but why not).

Poop Listing

Other Information

Didn't realize the immense infection of AIDs on the CD-i sources until coming to this site.


  • First thing he said on the forums was "Llamas are allergic to mustard."
  • Can't download Vegas cuz his computer sucks.
  • Drinks Pepsi for fuel.
  • Suffers from Caffeine withdrawal when he doesn't drink Pepsi for two weeks straight.
  • A HUGE nerd.
  • Is convinced that T-Pain is a blind parrot and that Lou Bega will make a comeback with Mambo No. 5000.
  • Has a response of a guy that saw his Little Bear Gets Damned Hiccups poop where the guy just sits watching it and laughing his ass off the entire video.
