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From Chewiki Archive - YouChew: 1% Funny, 99% Hot Gas
Revision as of 13:59, 6 January 2013 by ArsenioGut (talk | contribs) (→‎2012)
NicePooper.jpg This article is about a creator of YouTube Poop videos, known as a Youtube Pooper.

I’ve decided to rewrite my YouChew page.


Upon searching the track “Suspicious Minds” by Elvis, I come across YouTube sometime in 2006, a year after the site’s debut, prior to Google’s acquisition of the company later that same year. Throughout ‘06, ‘07, and ‘08, I kept watching more videos until I eventually opened my first account in 2009. A playlist of the videos I saw then has been featured as a playlist on my channel, just as a memoir of the absurdity I used to piss myself laughing at when I was younger.


I open my first account, FredMayX2, on April 27, 2009. I’m keeping the reason behind the name of the account to myself since it’s so damn ridiculous. Throughout my experience on YouTube, I had only earned around 30 subscribers, primarily due to that fact that my videos were crap. Yes, I used to be that pretentious mainstream fanatic who mainly watched Shane Dawson and RWJ. I decided to close my account right before Summer 2011 in fear of my account being terminated anyways after a user threatened to report me from an argument on a Get a Mac [Mac vs. PC] advertisement. Sometime afterwards, I open my second main account (excluding all the alts and troll accounts) with what is quite possibly by far one of the most bizarre channel names on YouTube~


I thought at the time that I was being hip by having a shitload of X’s in my username. The name was generated from some random website I found through Google. This account was used between June 2011 to December.

During this time, I had been caught up with the Marble Hornets series and was inspired to begin my own online horror series, based on MH and a few others (such as EverymanHYBRID, TribeTwelve, and so on). I began uploading videos with contorted audio and visuals, influenced by that of totheark. Suddenly, a random user comments on one of these innumerable videos of mine, saying that they’re unrealistic and fake. I couldn’t take negative criticism at the time, so I basically just attacked the person with as many spam messages as I possibly could. Eventually, the whole fiasco was sorted out, and we somehow befriended one another. His username was wiiluigi1992, or known by his real name, Matt.

Matt and I both shared a similar passion for Marble Hornets, and began developing a story on how the Slenderman, and his affiliates [Masky, the OPERATOR, the Rake, etc.] are haunting us. We ultimately got others to join this little schtick of ours, including some person with the username “slendermanism”. (Mind you, this was back in 2011, a year before that Slender game was released and then made popular by PewDiePie.) Ultimately, we recruited more members to make our fantasy possibly seem more realistic to other users. The entire time, I disguised myself as a character named “kraetoth”, who sent everyone in the group strange corrupted PMs detailing some sort of message. Sometimes, I would tell people in the group to visit their nearest cemetery or something along the lines of that using the kraetoth alias. This whole shenanigan went on for a good four months before the joke got stale, and everyone went their separate ways.

Matt [wiiluigi1992] opened his current thisissomeguy account in September 2011, and I opened my ArsenioGut account in December of the same year. The first video I uploaded onto the channel was a fanmade collage music video of “Gimme More” by Britney Spears (because I used to think she was talented), which has been deleted. The second video was the pilot episode for my parody series of Downfall (Der Untergang). I had seen many videos of this variety, but never got around to making some of my own. When classes resumed after the winter break, once the new year (2012) rolled over, I told my friends about my parodies. Some of them watched and enjoyed it, as a matter of fact. And I started leaping in joy when the pilot reached a mere 100 views. I progressed. I would release a new episode every week, and even anticipated production for a Season 2. That was until March, when I developed the motivation to make my first YouTube Poop.

I was already very familiar with YTP. Sometime in 2008, I encountered a video entitled “YouTube Poop: Ash’s Retarded Adventure”, and began laughing hysterically at the WTF Boom joke during the introduction. Of course, even that dubbed version of Grandma’s Kisses left me in stitches, but I digress. After watching that video, however, I hadn’t become addicted to YTP. I thought that video was the only one of its kind, until 2011 came along and somehow, a Blue’s Clues poop appeared in my Recommendations. I decided to click it, and I instantly fell in love with the medium all over again. The video was by AbsoluteBillion, entitled “Steve is also very proficient at Badminton”. Under the Related videos section, I see more of these videos. FishTitan64 was the first name I saw appear under that section, so I clicked on it.


The video became something that I needed to watch daily for the next week. It was FT64’s “Steve Discovers a New Disease”. Eventually, I found others, but strictly tuned into his stuff, honestly thinking that he was one of the only editors of his kind, unaware of the multitude of other YTPers out there. It wasn’t until I got back in contact with thisissomeguy, who coincidentally made YTPs as well, that I began delving more into the community, and took part in my first few collabs. Things really started to get rather enthralling over the course of the summer in 2012.

I eventually joined MegaTacoBox’s Green Eggs and Ham collab, the first I had ever partaken in. (I was already aware of the tennis match between chemistryguy and TimoteiLSD, so that’s why this interested me so much.) The other participants besides me and the host were thisissomeguy, NITROCONCRETE1, OutcastLabs, and a few others. After this collab was finally released, I began work on other projects, such as tennis matches, including one with MegaTacoBox himself and even FishTitan64, who wasn’t all too fond of me at the time. I ultimately got dragged into joining therockmannumber1’s Spingebill collab. Now, I was still a major FT64 fanboy, so I didn’t know about the whole Spingebill fiasco in the first place. The entry I originally submitted to the collab was made with iMovie, until thisissomeguy told me to get my head out of my ass and pirate a version of Vegas. I owned a Mac at the time, so I had to first obtain a copy of VMWare Fusion and Windows before installing any version of Vegas, because I absolutely hate Crossover. I eventually did, and made my first YTP with Vegas using the pilot episode for MLP:FIM as the source. After acquiring the program, I deleted my original entry for the Spingebill collab and made a new one. At this time, I had began to delve into the more mainstream section of the community, involving people such as BarneyIsPerverted and PotatoShitz. I unfortunately became a Spingebill junkie, so to speak, and grew addicted to the source and the respective style associated with it.

Desperate for more subscribers and views, I send a PM to BarneyIsPerverted and cs188 asking to provide feedback for my SpongeBob poop. BIP responded by commenting that I deserved more than 40 subscribers, which is the amount I had at the time, liked the video, and subscribed to my channel, which brought me up to 70 overnight until I ultimately hit the 100-Sub marker, contributing to my motivation to make more of this crap. That video also led to FishTitan64 finally subscribing to me, and adding me to his list of Featured Channels.

I was practically kissing up to Sinnedtragedy98 and all of the people of that variety, asking for advice and whatnot. I even did a tennis match with the guy, which has since been abandoned. I thought all of his videos were of high quality and adored his technique. He even taught me how to G-Major.

Someone who developed a burning hatred for ST98 and everyone affiliated with him opened an account named iHATEiPods4321, and started trolling him and even found me, possibly due to the tennis match. I typically couldn’t take a joke, and called him a bully and harasser, reporting him multiple times on his numerous accounts. During this time, I stumbled upon someone who was rather famous in the community, despite the fact that I didn’t care to watch any of his videos~ AwfulFawfultheFalafe.

Fawful and I constantly messaged each other about iPods and what we could do to stop him from “harassing” us. Meanwhile on Skype, thisissomeguy had been adding me to all these different brony chats of his, one hosted by a guy named “rileytuber”, which had been flooded by another person named “DrMrProfessorPatrick” [Numbers], who some referred to by his real name, Connor. This is how I encountered Blue5h4d0w [Steven] and a few others, including Riley and Connor. Steven introduced me to someone named “BronyDerekGraf”, who had subscribed to me on both his alt, DerekGrafYTP (now his main), and his main. We continued to talk and take part in several group calls with people like Wave [D3RPisBrony], thisissomeguy, Gay Bagel [Kyle], Connor, and another named Adam.

thisissomeguy had been telling me about this YTPer named “HollowTheGuy”. At first, I thought this Hollow was just any other video editor. Someguy set me up in a group call with Hollow. We talked for a few minutes, and even conversed outside of the chat until eventually befriended one another. I then introduced him to Derek, Fawful, and a few others, into what would ultimately become the “Chat Chat” conversation, still currently active on Skype.

After JabberCash complained to me numerous times on how generic my videos were, I decided to quit using SpongeBob as a source altogether just to appease him, and it worked, apparently.

Since then, my main priority is to please and entertain. I’m mainly motivated by positive commentary, i.e. “this video is amazing”, “you’re great”, just like anyone else would be. I thrive on criticism made by others. I’ve always considered myself a control freak, and somewhat of a pushover, maybe even an attention whore at times.

Somehow, I'm still here. People seem to like me, while others, not so much. I'm a very insecure individual, frequently bashing on other people and their videos or talking shit about a particular user. I guess that characteristic of mine developed overtime from imitating other people's actions and speech. I'm not a leader. I am a follower. I'd like to consider myself the middleman, and therefore, I don't particularly appreciate being hated, but I'm sure there are a certain few that don't enjoy my company very much.

There will ultimately come a point where I just can't endure anymore of this and close my account (currently ArsenioGut), whatever the case may be (If anything, I'll probably delete my channel because I honestly can't tolerate any of the people in this community. I'm not a people-person.) If this means that I'm done with YTP forever, then so be it. I like moving on to other things, exploring what's left of the Internet and even the world before that time in everyone's life rolls over.

Until then, I'll still be here.


    • the Matrix franchise. I can recite all of the dialogue from any of the three films in the trilogy. I'm still working on the Animatrix and the comics ^_^
    • Wakfu. I found this particular series off of an image of Yugo wearing sunglasses 4Chan. I became addicted with the show shortly afterward. I have all episodes from Season 1 and Season 2. I'm still waiting for Season 3, and the movie. (where the FUCK is it, Ankama?)
    • Music. i like anything from House to Classical; Rap to Heavy Metal; Pop to Jazz. Some have said that I have shitty taste in music when people really should understand that everyone has different tastes. I like all music to be perfectly honest.


I might as well take some time to write a little bit about myself as an individual.

I consider myself very open-minded; free to absorb new ideas. Some view me as bipolar. And that's no doubt the truth. Sometimes, I'm tranquil and won't generally make much ruckus, while in other instances, I can adopt some of the most erratic behavior, ranging from pyromania to fluctuating mood swings.

I desperately attempt to appeal to everyone, but unfortunately, there will always be a few that don't typically appreciate my company too well. DoomZappo, for example, has criticized me on numerous occasions for my constant bashing on other YTPers, in regards to their style of course, much less about their personality, and that isn't far from the truth. I frequently have to bash on other people as an excuse for my own personal insecurity.

In 2013, I plan on changing that and try to revamp my personality, since I feel like an asshole for some of the things I've done in the past few months.